COVID-19 resurgence?

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COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Vortex2 »

Are you going to play ball if/when we are asked/told to lockdown/vaccinate/test/mask-up?
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Ralphw2 »

We are now in a very different place with respect to covid, compared to 2020. Almost everyone now has some level of resistance to the virus, and although the multiple new variants may be sufficiently mutated to evade the first lines of the imm7ne system defences, they are all evolved from the more contagious but less deadly omicron variant. Covid is now on a par with influenza for hazard, with the complication of not being obviously seasonal. If we had a well functioning health service, we could handle this comfortably. Of course we don’t, it is constant crisis mode, with ongoing strikes by doctors and ever larger staff shortages sending waiting lists stratospheric.
(My one month expected wait for second cataract operation is now 4 months and waiting…)

There is no doubt that in 2020 lockdowns and masks saved millions of lives, and if these new variants do go exponential, in the short term they would save some lives again. However, the mental health issues, reduced natural immunity and reduced physical health due to inactivity, etc., as well as the economic impacts have all been detrimental, and it is not clear that the benefits would exceed the harm this time. As it is, I do not see any politician being brave enough to demand them, even if the scientific consensus was that they were needed.

If there was clear scientific advantage, I would wear masks again, some people never stopped. I don’t expect the general public would be asked to.
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Vortex2 »

If there was clear scientific advantage, I would wear masks again, some people never stopped. I don’t expect the general public would be asked to.
In that video the masks required are specified as N95.

They actually work .. unlike the cheap flimsy blue things.

I'm not sure that we can find enough N95 masks ... or afford them .. iPhase Two ever arrives.
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by northernmonkey »

Vortex2 wrote: 24 Aug 2023, 12:51 Are you going to play ball if/when we are asked/told to lockdown/vaccinate/test/mask-up?
That would be a no
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Default0ptions »

What’s going on in China?

“China Seeks More Clinics To Cope With Surge Of Respiratory Illnesses In Children” ... s-children
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Ralphw2 »

WHO reports that it is an expected uptick in normal seasonal infections, not early signs of a novel virus. The lockdowns of 2021 left Chinese children with reduced contact with normal childhood infections, and this is just nature play8ng catch up.

Of course, it might include the next global pandemic, hidden in the noise…
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Mark »

Vortex2 wrote: 24 Aug 2023, 13:43
If there was clear scientific advantage, I would wear masks again, some people never stopped. I don’t expect the general public would be asked to.
In that video the masks required are specified as N95.

They actually work .. unlike the cheap flimsy blue things.

I'm not sure that we can find enough N95 masks ... or afford them .. iPhase Two ever arrives.
As an aside, I'm aware of a large warehouse near to me that until very recently was filled floor to ceiling with PPE....
This was part of the massive incorrectly specified PPE mountain that Matt Hancock panic bought via those dubious contracts...
Needless to say, none of it was ever used and the warehouse has now been emptied - assume it all went for landfill or incineration...
What a terrible waste of money (£billions ?) and resources...

Hancock hasn't come before the COVID Inquiry yet, but I image he'll slime out of any responsibility because he ate a kangaroo's testicle...
What a corrupt country we live in...
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Mark »

Covid inquiry: Some local leaders put politics ahead of public health, says Hancock:

So now we know........, it was really all Manchester's fault....
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Re: COVID-19 resurgence?

Post by Mark »

Now BoJo gets his turn to point the finger at everyone else....
Are we really going to be any better prepared for the next pandemic/disaster at the end of this Inquiry ??

As far as I can see, every 'disaster' is different, so there's only so far you can go in planning for them....
Yes, you need to have the basic structures and lines of communication in place, but you also need the flexibility to respond to events as they unfold...
Everything then comes down to the personalities, abilities and communication skills of the people making decisions at the time...
The 'shower' of politicians the UK had in charge during COVID didn't serve us at all well....
At the end of the day, number of deaths and those left with long-COVID tells the tale...
Many other countries managed it much better..., and a few were even worse...

Who knows if the next lot will be any wiser ??
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