An interesting place to start comes from Dr Paul Craig Roberts & Dave Kranzler: Central Banks Have Become a Corrupting Force
This is the stated position - however the stats posted by Charles Hugh Smith reveal that the opposite is true here. There won't be any interest rate rise soon - not from The Fed, at least. The BoE are also unlikely to raise rates anytime soon.In order to keep the dollar up, the basis of US power, the Federal Reserve has promised to raise interest rates, but always in the future. The latest future is next month. The belief that a hike in interest rates is in the cards keeps the US dollar from losing exchange value in relation to other currencies, thus preventing a flight from the dollar that would reduce the Uni-power to Third World status.
Pretty well sums up what I said in the linked thread. The markets - along with all other economic systems - have a level of confidence about them. As soon as they are seriously questioned in any way shape or form, they cease to function effectively.The Federal Reserve can say that the stock market decline indicates that the recovery is in doubt and requires more stimulus. The prospect of more liquidity could drive the stock market back up. As asset bubbles are in the way of the Fed’s policy, a decline in stock prices removes the equity market bubble and enables the Fed to print more money and start the process up again.
On the other hand, the stock market decline last Thursday and Friday could indicate that the players in the market have comprehended that the stock market is an artificially inflated bubble that has no real basis. Once the psychology is destroyed, flight sets in.
If flight turns out to be the case, it will be interesting to see if central bank liquidity and purchases of stocks can stop the rout