That's a good blog post and I agree that we (as in humanity) have a misconceived notion of "solution".
There are plenty of solutions to the problem of peak energy, peak water, peak raw materials, over population. Pick your problem and there are many solutions. Anyone who believes that the way we live in the west is a
normal or even
acceptable way to live is going to find any of the solutions unbarably gloomy, even appocoliptic of which one solution is.
I go along with those who want to see politicans say it as it is, be brave enough to end their career by being ridiculed but thay will get support from me. When people hear it enough times, whilst experiencing a declining standard of living, they will at some point listen and maybe even *deep breath* read a book or two about something rather than Katy Perry's love life or incredibly exciting career.
Hell, people might realise that finding something interesting is tantamount to "fun", and is cheap, even free. As long as they have time to do it between earning enough to put food on the table.
Any look at these problems must start with the aim of minimising misery in a world of declining resources and population. Anything that does that, to any extent, can be counted as one of the solutions to the problem of misery.
Or of course we could just fight over the last remaining scraps of industrial civilazation, disregarding the suffering of the many, as some people would be happy with this outcome, that would be a solution for them.