What changes can we make to our lives to deal with the economic and energy crises ahead? Have you already started making preparations? Got tips to share?
Some charity shops have a wool box where they flog off balls of wool at stupidly cheap prices... you either have to ask, or look around in odd corners where they stash it. I'm sure it's a secret the old biddies behind the counter hold on to for their old biddy friends...
I did intend to learn to knit this summer, and make myself some nice stuff for this winter, but I couldn't get the hang of how to start... but I do have some lovely wool still.
Its just expensive to turn a shorn sheeps fleece into yarn.
The unprocessed wool is pretty much worthless (The wool board doesnt help much there), so much so that not long ago, farmers were burning it to get rid of it.
woodburner wrote:What about this? Two minutes with google. I always feel craft shops are shops skilled in the craft of parting people from their money.
My elderly neighbour (who is enjoying my warmth and tea as her smart meter has cut off her power again) has just looked at that wool. Apparently it's top stuff in her words Rolls Royce. She brought some last year at rather more than that price.