Nice one adam I knew you'd come through on this one!
Likewise consider is 8 hours use ESSIENTIAL or merely desireable ? If 5 hours would do, but 8 hours would be better, then a smaller system might suffice.
Is the 8 hours every day, or only every weekday ?
I would be needing 8 hours a day. I need to be
available all day every working day (I support a database system). How much I'm actually doing is dependent on how well everything is working! (as is how much time I spend on PS!) but I do need to be AVAILABLE. Actually that's a good point I need to power my phone as well.
In actual fact I only work 4 days a week so it's 30 hours a week or thereabouts of battery power.
If lack of electricity would endanger ones company or employment, I would DOUBLE both the battery and PV array, to be certain.
Loss of electricity would indeed mean I would lose my job so I'm with you on doubling the battery and PV module idea. There is a vehicle engine available for emergencies as well but it's my mates car so I couldn't rely on it if he was off somewhere.
I would not buy more than at most 2 spare laptop batteries.
An additional 12 volt battery or PV module might be a wiser use of the money.
I had in actual fact considered shelling out £200 which would give me a WEEK of battery power (well a working week for me 10 x 3 hour battery is 30 hours). But I take you point, that's about the same money as doubling the PV array which you already suggested.
That's based on my friend saying PV panels now about a pound a watt?? and your saying I need a 220 watt panel.
My basis for buying loads of batteries idea was that altough the place is remote it is cyclable from the train station and if push came to shove I could just go round a mates house at the weekend and charge up a weeks worth of battery power!
Presumably internet access is required ? remember that mobile internet via a plug in dongle uses a few watts in addition the consumption of the laptop
Indeed it is. The 3 hour battery life is including that. I know this because I use the dongle all day every day normally. I'm using it now.
Finally, you may find a larger system worthwhile for basic lighting, a 12 volt fan, mobile phone charging, a radio etc etc.
If useing 12 volt lighting, keep an oil lamp as standby for cloudy weather thereby preserving more of the limited power for the PC.
Yeah my mate already has a basic system for a bit of lighting and phone charging.