Hunting with a catapult/slingshot

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kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

There have been a few cases in the recent past where a householder has shot an intruder and either was not prosecuted or was found not guilty on prosecution. There has generally been a huge public outcry in support of the householder apart from from the left wing intelligencia of course - the victim is always in the right and a poor Traveller is always to be supported against a country dwelling, gun weilding land owner. Even if he was a pensioner living on his own in an isolated property who had been burgled before.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

I have deleted three posts which didn't contribute anything meaningful to the forum and could only be considered mischief making, to be polite about them.
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Post by Catweazle »

Related to topic, perhaps traps would be more discrete and effective at filling the cooking pot. They have the major advantage of working whilst you do something else, also you only have to be out for a short time to check them.
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Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

Catweazle wrote:Related to topic, perhaps traps would be more discrete and effective at filling the cooking pot. They have the major advantage of working whilst you do something else, also you only have to be out for a short time to check them.
I'm good with traps!
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Re: Hunting with a catapult/slingshot

Post by Bedrock Barney »

ReserveGrowthRulz wrote:
Outstanding! Sort of like the rules that the Canadian dude lived under?

So you can choose any firearm you want once you have passed the states exams on sanity or whatnot? I was under the impression that you couldn't have real guns because even after all the required tests, your government still doesn't trust you?
I may have posted previously that I used to own two guns, a 22 semi auto rifle and a .357 Marlin. Getting a firearms licence was relatively easy. I had to get a reference from a member of the public (not a member of family) and install an appropriate gun safe at home. Once I'd done this, I was visited by a member of the police and that was it. I shot at a local target club for 5 years then let my licence lapse and sold the guns. No doubt I could get the licence back again if I wished (and I probably will once I retire and have more spare time)
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Re: Hunting with a catapult/slingshot

Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

Bedrock Barney wrote:
ReserveGrowthRulz wrote:
Outstanding! Sort of like the rules that the Canadian dude lived under?

So you can choose any firearm you want once you have passed the states exams on sanity or whatnot? I was under the impression that you couldn't have real guns because even after all the required tests, your government still doesn't trust you?
I may have posted previously that I used to own two guns, a 22 semi auto rifle and a .357 Marlin. Getting a firearms licence was relatively easy.
Can you define "easy" a little more?
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Post by Bedrock Barney »

I think the local police force issuing the licence informs the person's GP, that's it. You are supposed to declare any pre existing conditions such as bipolar disorder, dementia etc.

No finger printing! I'm not sure why that would be needed? I would only expect to be finger printed in the UK if I'd committed a crime.

Only semi auto weapons allowed. No hand guns. No machine guns. No suppressors.

You can own multiple weapons but not unlimited ammunition.

I don't think it's possible to own a rifle unless you are a member of a target club (or for the control of vermin which would have to be proved).

Therefore it's not possible to own a firearm just for the hell of it. There has to be a purpose - ie shooting at a target club or control of vermin/pests. I think shotgun ownership is a little easier but although I did have a licence I didn't purchase one at the time.

From memory the .357 Marlin was around £750. This was 10 years ago. Probably at least £1,000 now.
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Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

Bedrock Barney wrote:I think the local police force issuing the licence informs the person's GP, that's it. You are supposed to declare any pre existing conditions such as bipolar disorder, dementia etc.

No finger printing! I'm not sure why that would be needed? I would only expect to be finger printed in the UK if I'd committed a crime.
Last edited by ReserveGrowthRulz on 17 Jun 2020, 21:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Catweazle »

With all those gun rights for law abiding citizens the USA must be a wonderfully safe place to live.
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Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

Catweazle wrote:With all those gun rights for law abiding citizens the USA must be a wonderfully safe place to live.
Sure, except for the expected bad sections with restrictions designed to keep citizens from defending themselves. We call that area ChiRaq.
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Post by Catweazle »

I thought I'd better check before I packed my grandchildren on a flight to USA for a safe, happy life.

Turns out that USA isn't so safe after all.

I don't understand why, law abiding citizens can carry handguns, that's got to make it safe hasn't it ?

Anyway, according to a survey in 2019, which must be fake news, USA ranke 128th in the world, behind Nicaragua, El Salvador and the Congo.

So if you find that your supplies of 9mm ammo are running low, you can always head south to somewhere safer, El Salvador sounds nice - is it warm there ?

Here's part of the survey:

"In the 2019 Global Peace Ranking, the United States is listed in 128th place. This represents a drop of four places from the previous year. The USA ranks lower than countries like Niger, Nicaragua, the Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Brazil, and El Salvador. The United States has fallen in rankings in every single report that the Global Peace Ranking has put out since 2016. Some of the reasons for this drop include a decrease in life satisfaction and a growing wealth gap." ... world.html
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Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

Catweazle wrote:I thought I'd better check before I packed my grandchildren on a flight to USA for a safe, happy life.

Turns out that USA isn't so safe after all.
Well, that depends on the level of nanny state you are looking for.
Last edited by ReserveGrowthRulz on 17 Jun 2020, 21:03, edited 1 time in total.
kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

For a moment there, Catweazle, I thought you were being serious.

If the majority of the mass attacks/murders in the US are stopped by armed citizens there must be dozens of them because the ones we hear about usually end with the perpetrator killing himself. According to the statistics we only hear about the more murderous attacks, the dozens of smaller ones going unreported in the UK. Mass attacks/murders are not something we have to worry about in the UK though and there is certainly no talk of having to arm teachers to protect their charges.
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Post by Catweazle »

No, not serious.

RGR doesn't need to move somewhere safer, like El Salvador, the biggest threat he faces is Repetitive Strain Injury, from continually patting himself on the back.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

Action is the antidote to despair - Joan Baez
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