for the Ninth Annual Conference of The Bromsgrove Group on Tuesday 18th-Thursday 20th October 2005
"A Psyche Size of the Earth is Needed to Know the Roots of Monetary Reform"
Canon Peter Challen reports on the past year's developments in Monetary Reform while putting the Conference in wider context.
The Long Haul - Money Reform in the Green Party
Brian Leslie, Editor of Sustainable Economics, the newsletter of the Green Economy Policy Working Group addresses successes and challenges.
11.15-11.40am Coffee
The Money Reform Party
Anne Belsey on her campaigning activity and plans for the Party.
Steven Erlick
12.45pm Lunch
The Experience of the Alberta Social Credit Party
Frances Hutchinson on the successes, failures and lessons to be learned from the elected Social Credit Party in Alberta.
SIMPOL and its relationship with Money Reform
John Bunzl, Director of the Simultaneous Policy Organisation, and co-author of Monetary Reform: Making it Happen
Obstacles to Popularising the Money Reform Agenda from a Psychological Perspective
Simon Foster, a local Councillor in Wales gives insights on his experience in promoting the message.
3.45-4.05pm Coffee
Political Action - The Aim of this Workshop will be to record the lessons learned from the previous speakers, to identify obstacles to our political action, to propose solutions to overcome these obstacles and to arrive at a set of written points which will provide a general guide of useful suggestions which will help take the message forward in a Political sense.
Shorter than Workshop 2, since some issues will already have been covered in earlier presentations. Panel.
5.05-5.15pm 10-Minute Break
Questions on Money Reform - There are still many important questions which arise for all of us, often concerning technical details, or stumbling blocks to comprehension. The Aim of this Workshop will be to arrive at a set of written points which will provide a general list of answers and suggestions - and which will identify areas where further research is needed - to help us take the message forward in an Educational sense. Panel.
6.30pm Evening Meal
Introducing the Work of the New Economics Foundation
Dr Emma Dawnay, Senior Researcher at the New Economics Foundation reports on its work, and highlights some points of connection between NEF's work and the Money Reform movement.
From Banking to Bookkeeping - an Associative Perspective on Money
Arthur Edwards, joint editor of Talking Economics, on the associative perspective in economic life.
MONEY REFORM Conference 2005
Moderator: Peak Moderation
MONEY REFORM Conference 2005
Something again for those interested in the next phase:
Extremely relevant in context of PeakOil. Personally I belive Money Reform is the single most important question in order to have decent lives on the downslope.
And I envy you for your intellectual dissident climate which can gather a conference. Here in Sweden the savages just give funny looks when hearing anything about monetary systems.
And I envy you for your intellectual dissident climate which can gather a conference. Here in Sweden the savages just give funny looks when hearing anything about monetary systems.
Swedish Economic Reformers: The Solidar SystemAnd I envy you for your intellectual dissident climate which can gather a conference. Here in Sweden the savages just give funny looks when hearing anything about monetary systems.
Yea, I have mailed a lot with ?sa. Dont think that the Solidar-model would work though.GD wrote:Swedish Economic Reformers: The Solidar SystemAnd I envy you for your intellectual dissident climate which can gather a conference. Here in Sweden the savages just give funny looks when hearing anything about monetary systems.
Ther is much more "governance" neeeded for the Solidar than anything else I've seen. A need for comittees to stay honest for generations for that to work.GD wrote:Interesting, I've not had much chance to look at it. So far, I can't see much difference from any other demurrage charged CC.
Currently I see only two paths:
1) Coercive government -> Gesell scrip. Currency accepted for payment of taxes gives legitimity.
2) Freedom -> Mutual credit. Several competing systems needed to maintain honesty.
Personally I would favour mutual credit. Something to eat for the people who declare that they belive in "the market". If you belive in "the market", why not liberate the issuance of money also?