This book by the visionary architect of the Transition movement is a must-read labelled, immediate . Growing numbers with their microscopes trained on peak oil are convinced that we have very little time to engineer resilience into our communities before the last energy crisis descends. This issue should be of urgent concern to every person who cares about their children, and all who hope there is a viable future for human civilisation post-petroleum. --Jeremy Leggett, founder of Solarcentury.
The Transition concept is one of the big ideas of our time. Peak oil and climate change can so often leave one feeling depressed and disempowered. What I love about the Transition approach is that it is inspirational, harnessing hope instead of guilt, and optimism instead of fear. The Transition Handbook will come to be seen as one of the seminal books which emerged at the end of the Oil Age and which offered a gentle helping hand in the transition to a more local, more human and ultimately more nourishing future. --Patrick Holden, director of the Soil Association.
Please accept my apologises if this book has been mentioned before.
I read it almost as soon as it came out, and was impressed. Couldn't get my act together to write a review though, and now I'd have to read it again to write one!