Adam1 wrote:
Yes, but they'd have the tax benefit of a semblance of a functioning economy!
And that seems to be exactly why the yanks are pushing hybrids for all they're worth, because they are the only remotely feasible option to let the US continue it's happy motoring fairytale.
Interestingly hybrids are a very hard sell in the UK because the non-plugin ones (i.e. the only one's that are currently available) are no better than diesel for fuel consumption and are more expensive.
Too bad the only logical argument is: yeah, but diesels won't RUN if there are fuel shortages.
Then you have to let the bugbear out of the bag and tell people about peak-oil which would fill up the emergency wards pretty quickly with all the heart attack victims.
So we have to sell the UK on the "green" credentials of the hybrid instead.
Which is tough, because a non-plug-in hybrid is no more green than a diesel.
So folks, we might end up in the unenviable position of not being able to catch up fast enough because the UK public doesn't know the real reason why they HAVE TO go to hybrids if they want to keep on driving.