"glorius weather"

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Potemkin Villager
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"glorius weather"

Post by Potemkin Villager »

Apposite article by reliably grumpy old git Ian Jack on attitudes to climate change and the way the story
is presented in the press. Things do not look good if behavior continues as bau!

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... t-pleasure

".....in the imperial era of The Four Feathers, heat was often what the British dreaded most in the territories they conquered or annexed, and for many years they coped with it rather badly. In 18th-century Bengal, for example, the combination of pre-monsoon heat and monsoon humidity was deathly, but the British stubbornly continued to eat, drink and dress as though they lived in Berkshire. Their behaviour makes a vivid historical study in gluttony, stupidity and dissipation of all kinds. They drank torrents of madeira, champagne, burgundy and claret; wolfed down soup, roast fowl, mutton pie, lamb, rice pudding, tarts and cheese at dinner (a meal consumed at two in the afternoon, the hottest time of day); pelted each other with bread rolls at supper; vomited from carriages; and fell drunkenly into ditches, soiling their topcoats and silk waistcoats, their lace sleeves and their breeches, the whole splendid apparel already wet with sweat.

Naturally, many of them died. "
Overconfidence, not just expert overconfidence but general overconfidence,
is one of the most common illusions we experience. Stan Robinson
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