Prince Charles on pensions

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Prince Charles on pensions

Post by biffvernon »

He's kinda telling em like it is. :)

Post by Snail »

He might have a point, but really: "Otherwise your grandchildren and mine, for that matter will be consigned to an exceptionally miserable future."

He's a regular business-man himself with investments all over the place - his grand-children will be ok I think.

Me? I've never paid into any sort of pension and don't intend to start. Is it 68 yrs/old now? Doubt I'll even make that age. :cry:

But does anybody care. No! I'll probably be used in slave-labour or something. Used, abused, and then discarded when cost>benefits.

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Post by the_lyniezian »

Yes, yes, the grandchildren of the Prince of Wales, the only one of whom in existence being only about third in line to the throne, will become really, really poor. :roll:

(Is he anticipating an overthrow of the monarchy?)
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Post by biffvernon »

Apart from the "and mine" two words, the rest of his speech was about other people, so perhaps it might be better to concentrate on his real message, rather than going into auto-republican mode. ;)
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