Why We've Hit The Growth Ceiling

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Why We've Hit The Growth Ceiling

Post by Tarrel »

I came across this website recently;

http://www.indexmundi.com/commodities/? ... months=180

It gives price indices for a variety of commodities over different time-periods. Nothing new here, but it brings into sharp focus the behaviour of prices over the last couple of decades, and why the "growth dream" is running into so many headwinds.

Choosing a 15 year time horizon is interesting. Many commodities show the same pattern; bumbling along quite nicely until mid-2000's, then the massive spike around 2008, followed by a settling down into a "new normal" much higher than before. This is the case whether one is looking at energy, food, metals or others.

Edit to add; notice how the food index (linked to above) has recently exceeded the 2008 peaks.
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Post by sam_uk »

What we need is: http://postgrowth.org/

And a Zero waste infrastructure: http://www.zeri.org/ZERI/Home.html
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