Ireland's Budget December 2009

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Ireland's Budget December 2009

Post by emordnilap »

Ireland's minister for finance Brian Lenihan wrote:the 'worst is over' and says he expects a return to economic growth in the next six to nine months.
If I had such a job, I would expect to know something the general public doesn't. I don't think that's the case here.

Anyway, he's introducing a 'carbon tax' of €15 a tonne, applicable from tonight on petrol and diesel, from May 2010 on oil and gas. Hmmm. If that money gets put ringfenced for insulation grants or increased public transport, fine. Apart from that, it's simply another tax to go into the pot.

Water meters are to come in. On my self-installed and maintained deep well? I think not.

An interesting one:
Minister Lenihan said he would introduce measures which will impose on all Irish nationals and domiciled individuals, whose worldwide income exceeds €1m and whose Irish-located capital is greater than €5m.

There will be a requirement to pay an Irish domicile levy of €200,000 per annum, regardless of where they are tax resident.
The pay of public servants will be reduced from 1 January 2010 by 5% on the first €30,000 of salary, 7.5% on the next €40,000 and 10% on the next €55,000.
There'll be strikes over that. It's tough but they are well paid, though; they'll just have to set an example. Or get out and get a job.

Full text here.
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