Why bother?
Moderator: Peak Moderation
I have to say that I find events like these very interesting but my social circle has exactly zero people interested in green issues and I'd feel a little lost by myself having never been to anything like this before. So with that said I'll probably not be going to this time. It does sound very interesting though and I hope a lot of people go.RalphW wrote:Buying tickets for me and my family today. Anyone else going?Big Green Gathering
I only just got around to reading this thread, so starting at the beginning, there are times when things get just a little too doom and gloom around here and I need a more positive outlook. I post on a similar forum to INEBG called Creative Living, where life is chickens, knitting, growing veg, forward planning, living lightly etc. etc.Andy Hunt wrote:Just to add that it hasn't escaped my notice that some of the more optimistic members of the forum such as Tattercoats and Aliwood, both members who always showed great resourcefulness in production of home goods and sustainable living, seem to have given up on Powerswitch.
I know that Tattercoats posts on the It's Not Easy Being Green forum. Maybe some of the more practical members of our community are getting fed up with all the doom and gloom and are moving on to communities who are actually doing something practical about it all?
Are we facing 'Peak Powerswitch'?
Peak Powerswitch, no, it's just that sometimes you need to get away from yet another report that says 'don't panic everybody, everythings fine', and people going 'aargh', and take on practical ideas and steps. It does sometimes feel like you're ploughing a lonely furrow over here when knitting socks seems like such an obvious step and the reply you tend to get is

I do have a constructive suggestion - I hope it's constructive. There needs to be more women on this forum. When I first posted here it was very male dominated, it's not quite so now, but in the future we face, you need women involved and you need them to make suggestions. In my experience women tend to be less confrontational and more solution orientated (apologies for the manager speak, just call me Dilbert).
How do you get them? Well, perhaps there is an effort to be made by people such as myself to plug this place and some of the other PO resources more on other forums. Other suggestions welcome - no matter who you are.
Sounds great! And I'll blindly believe it because I'm one of the elite ....aliwood wrote:women tend to be less confrontational and more solution orientated
But let's be honest.... nah.... let's just leave it as it stands!

Anyway, I do like on here even though I think I post less often now, because we all need reminding once in a while. And a place to check base with when new things happen.
I read some posts at TOD... but it all seems very technical and a bit geekish there sometimes.
I've also been to LATOC but it's very American and totally doomerish - or was when I frequented.
Here IS different.
I think we do have a good blend of folk who are doing real things to make a difference (Pippa take a bow please, the bucket job's a good un!) and those who like to discuss technical stuff and so on.
Plus a few genuine lively debates where issues can be aired and discussed.
But I do agree that most of us tend to rest from this forum sometimes. Perhaps just as Andy says to go and get stuff done. (Silas and Vortex being two who say they have dropped out for now.)
Do we need a PA thread? Postive Action?
Thinking positively
Thinking of some positive action you can take... hmm...suggest plenty of fruit on a daily basis if you want a regular supply. Not too many eggs either.SunnyJim wrote:And I still want to compost my poo. So there we go! The power of positive action is evident!
... and while you're at the bar, mines a large G & T
Yes.. Our American friends, at least some of them, do seem almost to relish the thought of shooting people. Certainly far too fond of guns for my taste.Sally wrote: I've also been to LATOC but it's very American and totally doomerish - or was when I frequented.
Why cant we all just have a nice cup of tea and talk about it?