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kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

We've got windows open in all rooms at the moment during the day to warm the house up so that it is comfortable not wearing much inside, out of the sun. When we can sit around comfortably in shorts and a t shirt we'll keep the windows shut during the day and then start opening them at night if we need daytime cooling.

Fortunately we're intelligent and active enough to know when to open and close our windows to control our heat and ventilation. Survival of the fittest!
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Post by adam2 »

The temperature in London has reached 28.7 degrees which is not only a new record for the early May bank holiday since this holiday was introduced in 1978. It is also considerably higher than the previous record.

It is also marginally hotter than the previous record of 28.6 degrees that was set in 1995 for any day over the holiday weekend.
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Post by emordnilap »

But why do I have the feeling that the gulf stream is slowing down?
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Post by woodburner »

Possily because of this

Which might be labeled as fake news if not confirmed by the truth tellers

If you look into it enough you will probably find the Russians are hacking the gulf stream.
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Post by BritDownUnder »

Two or three good days of solar energy has been an additional benefit of the good weather.

I have heard that a lot of Australia will become unlivable in a hundred years time if warming trends continue.
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Post by emordnilap »

woodburner wrote:Possily because of this

Which might be labeled as fake news if not confirmed by the truth tellers

If you look into it enough you will probably find the Russians are hacking the gulf stream.
:o :o :lol:

We've been getting warm days and nights with cold winds for several months now - ie, the wind chill is significant even if the general temperature seems ok.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

If you looked at the dates of the two articles, Woodburner, you would find that the second, BBC, article that you quote could not possibly comment on the first article because the BBC article precedes the first, Independent, article by about 5 years!

Over that time it is perfectly possible for new research to show that the situation has changed. I'll have a look to see if I can find any actual evidence of this from after 2015 before I comment on what might be happening or if there are any possible conspiracy theories being advanced.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

A minute search turned up several articles from the last month which refer to a slowing of the AMOC and a few minutes reading of the articles and the abstract of this paper show that this article is somewhat exaggerated but that there is a slowing of AMOC and that further research is ongoing into the extent to which blame can be attributed to global warming.

If the journalist has read the full paper there might be more in that to attribute blame to global warming. The full paper requires a subscription which I don't have. Perhaps Chris Vernon might have access to the paper.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

This article refers to another recent paper written on a different angle of research which apparently does implicate global warming in the slowdown of AMOC. The paper is again behind a paywall.
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Post by woodburner »

kenneal - lagger wrote:If you looked at the dates of the two articles, Woodburner, you would find that the second, BBC, article that you quote could not possibly comment on the first article because the BBC article precedes the first, Independent, article by about 5 years!

Over that time it is perfectly possible for new research to show that the situation has changed. I'll have a look to see if I can find any actual evidence of this from after 2015 before I comment on what might be happening or if there are any possible conspiracy theories being advanced.
FFS it was a bit of humour. :roll:

No wonder Biff left.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

You never can tell!!

But everyone has the correct information now, so no problem.
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Post by emordnilap »

WB's comments are always worth looking at from distance, KL. :wink:

Climate chaos combined with slowing or stopping of our THC may require different language for weather. Certainly a good start would be to get away from 'global warming' and 'climate change'.
I experience pleasure and pains, and pursue goals in service of them, so I cannot reasonably deny the right of other sentient agents to do the same - Steven Pinker
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

It's all part of it unfortunately, Em. If Europe goes into a mini ice age, which is a distinct possibility with a slow or zero AMOC, the deniers will jump on it to discount global warming.

The last time this happened, at the end of the last ice age, the rest of the world was not affected, only parts of the northern hemisphere. So Europe could be very cold, or at least as cold as Siberia, Alaska and Northern Canada while the rest of the world cooks.

I suppose that that will keep the mass migration at bay so every cloud ......
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Post by RenewableCandy »

I quite often use a different language for the weather: old Dutch I think. But most of it's unrepeatable on a family forum :)
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Post by vtsnowedin »

A native American once told me that his native language had no curse words. The worst thing he could call you was a cowardly dog. I asked him what he said if he smashed his thumb with the 22 ounce Estwing hammer he was using.
Completely dead pan he said Speak English. :)
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