Locality is not a problem, you build the community where you are or somewhere you move to. We don?t all have to be in the same place. Money is the main problem, you can?t do much with out itpeaky wrote:I agree. It's frustrating that so many of us are so keen and yet we seem unable to get together and plan for many reasons. Perhaps we could have a new forum block on Creating Intentional Communities and then sub topics for Devon, Susex, London etc and see what comes of that. Any thoughts Good Admin People?Tess wrote:The difficulty is that everyone is in different places, physically, financially, and in terms of their practical skillsets. To build an intentional community from such disparate building blocks will take considerable persistence and leadership.
The ?International? comes from linking these communities together, and for the mo the Internet will be good for that. ?International? is not a word I like for this mainly because I would see it going beyond the concept of nations and encompassing the whole world, A ?Terrain Federation? of many communities all around the World all interconnected.
I can understand the frustration but there are things we can do with out money. There is a lot to do regarding how things should be organised etc. One thing I am looking at the moment is a ?constitution? for the network part. BTW, the holonic futures group is coming along nicely, with a nice handful of members and some stuff on ruralisation.