Start a politicial party!
Moderator: Peak Moderation
- biffvernon
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I can't see how a Peak Oil Party could usefully be much different from the Green Party. No point re-inventing the wheel. For thirty years the Greens have been trying to exlpain how an economy and lifestyle based on oil is unsustainable and will end in tears. Help them, don't try to compete with them.
When I was a collage I gave the Green party (although I think it might still have been called the ?Ecology party? or something like that at the time) a look over. I wasn?t too happy with it then but since then I have grown so I am giving them another look and been reading their Manifesto. It?s interesting as it does not seam to far from technocracy. Technocracy itself is not ?green? but a lot of what the green party say is a by product of technocracy. It looks to me that technocracy and the green party could have a lot of over lap and what one is lacking the other has. This bit particularly caught my attention:RogerCO wrote:
So if you think PO is an issue that needs some serious political attention for goodness sake join the GP and get it on the map.
But we DO need your help - it is not expensive to join and you could make a real impact by getting the GP active on PO - lets do it!
EC111 The policies given below are stated in general terms only. They are not sufficient in themselves to achieve a green society. Major changes are required in other policy areas to dismantle the political, cultural and economic power structures which presently work against the green objectives stated above.
Those changes could well be technocracy which would lead to a balanced and more green society. Pity I?m not in the UK, I think we could have some grounds for cooperation.

The only future we have is the one we make!