What is growing in Britain's gardens?

How will oil depletion affect the way we live? What will the economic impact be? How will agriculture change? Will we thrive or merely survive?

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Post by clv101 »

Littlegreenmouse wrote:Thankyou :) I think an allotment will be something I'll have to look into.
I have an allotment in Bristol, depending where you are their either isn't a waiting list at all, or it's around 1 year.
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Post by Totally_Baffled »

clv101 wrote:
Littlegreenmouse wrote:Thankyou :) I think an allotment will be something I'll have to look into.
I have an allotment in Bristol, depending where you are their either isn't a waiting list at all, or it's around 1 year.
Chris Vernon has an allotment? The shit must be nearing the fan!! :shock: :lol:

Peak oil? ahhh smeg..... :(
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Post by PorcelainSugar »

We've got a little (I mean, tiny) green patch here, the rest's concrete. Only problem is, my flatmate's got three rabbits and a dog.

Any suggestions on how to keep them from digging up/eating anything planted? (we tried to build a fence...the dog's a pretty good jumper!!) I'd love to try and grow some veg...it all tastes so plastic from the shops here =[
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Post by featherstick »

Builders' bags, or "bags for life" from the supermarket if space is more limited, can make cheap and effective planters. Rabbits won't eat everything, and cayenne pepper will keep the dog off.
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