RGR wrote:After having begun another round of "internet trolls are everywhere and unless you are on the cover of Economist you aren't worth listening to" with Vortex, I decided to consider the following.
I certainly come across as a bomb thrower, without much in the way of constructive commentary to some. Fair enough. I have explained my way of thinking a time or two, which undoubtedly not everyone caught, and I try not to repeat the basics any more than necessary.
But if I ask myself the question, WHY do I continue in this, it boils down to a simple, realistic answer.
I want people to THINK before they buy in. And I believe they should CONTINUE to do so AFTER they buy in.
I am going to say to you exactly what I said before. If you really, truly believe that we are fabricating/imagining this problem - buying into something that really does not exist - then
why are you here? It doesn't add up. Why don't you just get on with your life and forget about all those silly peak-oilers? I don't believe for one moment that you are here to
help us. You'd have nothing to gain by doing so and I don't believe you are just being intently and persistently altruistic. What
would make sense would be that in fact all these people who believe that peak oil has already happened really worry you and in order to relieve your worries you want to try to convince peak-oilers that it isn't happening. That way you will be more comfortable in your denial, right? Or is it that you are scared that if you aren't here denying it, we will influence innocent newbies into believing things that are false? Again, why would you bother? What's in it for you?
I can understand why atheists go and post on Christian boards and why philosophers and religious people might go and post on Richard Dawkins board - because in those cases the people in question are defending some religious belief they hold against people who hold the opposite view. But this isn't religion. It is a claim about world oil production that we believe is true and you believe is false. So what? Why do you care?
The sort of people you find on this board
are, on the whole, thinkers rather than followers. We don't need you to remind us of the need to keep our wits about us. Keeping our wits about us is part of the reason why
we are here.