Overall, my own personal view is that no better or worse scenario is more likely then any other - those people that think one IS more likely than the other must have some reasons for thinking such, which I would be interested to hear.snow hope wrote:Damian, I very much hope you are right. But as you know we can't predict the future especially when something that has never happened before is about to happen. In worst case scenarios, I feel that things could go belly-up much quicker than you expect. In my opinion there is a definate chance that things could get pretty nasty in large population centres especially in winter, when lack of affordable fuel will impact people's ability to heat themselves, spiralling prices of electricity will leave people in the dark, lack of commercial transport will leave supermarkets bare, lack of work will leave people with no money. Lack of money will leave people on the streets - evicted from their homes.....DamianB wrote: "Our society is not going to collapse overnight. No-one in this country will die of starvation in the next 20 years."
No offense my friend, but it is not hard to see how things could spiral out of control quite quickly. Our society really is at a stage where it is like a deck of cards based on complex interrelationships with cheap and ever-lasting energy at the bottom.
I hope I am wrong, but I am still pretty scared about what is about to happen. We must be aware that this has never happened before and we have no mechanisms in place for dealing with the collapse that will ensue.
Since we have snow's initial feeling, I would be interested to hear DamianB's reasons for optimism.