Shipping company Beluga Shipping GmbH purchases the first SkySails system
[Taken from the latest press release]
A corresponding sales contract has been signed between the Bremen-based shipping company Beluga and Hamburg?s manufacturer SkySails.
Thus, Beluga Shipping is the first shipping company worldwide to equip a ship with the towing kite propulsion system. Using this new technology ships can save up to 50% fuel costs and at the same time avoid extraordinarily high amounts of climate-damaging emissions.
?The Skysails technology is ready for market entry exactly at the right time?, confirms captain and managing partner of the Beluga Group, Bremen, Niels Stolbergs (45). ?the rising and continuously high price of oil is a matter that ship owners are already dealing with in order to be competitive in the present and future market. Furthermore, significantly tightened emission regulations, through which increasing costs will accrue, are being put into place. Offshore wind energy is an unbeatable cost-effective propulsion source available in large quantities, and we expect to gain a considerable competitive advantage by using the innovative SkySails system as a pioneer in this field. We are convinced that the SkySails system will revolutionise the cargo shipping industry.?
Following five years of development the first sale of a SkySails system is SkySails biggest success so far. ?In the past year, despite heavy reservations we have proven that the SkySails technology is functioning. The completion of a first sales contract in the development period demonstrates the high interest of ship owners in the SkySails system. The utilisation of wind energy is inevitably cheaper than the combustion of expensive and continuously declining oil. Our costumers can thus, by using the SkySails technology, reduce both costs and emissions simultaneously. In that way, economic and ecological advantages are exemplary linked?, says SkySails managing partner Stephan Wrage (33).
The SkySails towing kite system ?SKS 160? will be installed, after delivery of the 140m long ship new build, on board of the multipurpose-heavy cargo freighter MS ?Beluga SkySails?. In 2007 the worldwide first demonstration cruises of the new propulsion system will take place. With the MS ?Beluga SkySails? proof of the productive efficiency, and thus the economic efficiency of the system will be provided. From 2008 the first SkySails system for cargo ships will be deliverable regularly.
Avoid emission
According to a study from the University of Delaware (USA), the world trade fleet consumes approx. 289 million tons of fuel or 2 times more than Ger-many (approx. 125 million tons). Emissions of cargo ships belong to the global main causers of climate damaging gases, since they run on cheap and extremely sulphurous fuel oil. Experts from Lloyd?s Register Quality Assurance (London) estimate that shipping traffic, with a total of 10 million tons per year, is responsible for over 7% of the total worldwide output of sulphur dioxide. The United Nations have meanwhile reacted: According to the most recent regulations of the ?International Maritime Organisation? (IMO, MARPOL 73/78, Annex VI) as well as EU regulations shipping companies have to considerably reduce toxic emissions of their ships in future. By consistently using the SkySails technology worldwide it would be possible to save over 146 million tons CO2, this equals approx. 15% of the CO2 emission of Germany.
The development of resource efficient technologies is one of the growth markets of the future. In the first quarter of 2006 SkySails is starting its 3rd and final round financing until readiness for market entry with the exclusive fi-nancing partner, the Oltmann Gruppe from Leer.
The Oltmann Gruppe focuses on the development of resource efficient technologies. Under their management a total of 8.05 million euros will be raised for the SkySails project by strategic, institutional and private partners. With the funds from 3rd round financing SkySails system for cargo ships will be developed in readiness for the start of production by the end of 2008. In parallel, the sales and service network as well as the production capacities and logistics network will be established.
About Beluga
Bremen?s shipping company Beluga Shipping GmbH was established in 1995 by Master Mariner Niels Stolberg. In 2005 the Beluga Group employed 120 people in Bremen and another 30 in international branch offices, such as Rotterdam, Houston, Shanghai, Beijing and S?o Paulo. Beluga manages and operates a fleet of 28 multipurpose-heavy lift-cargo vessels and is well- known for high flexibility in the project and heavy lift sector as well as rapid growth and expansion. Business activities of the Beluga Group comprise chartering, operating and ship management as well as project development and transport solutions for complex heavy lift and project cargo shipments worldwide.