I guess the problem I have with our attitude to Iran is that it is one rule for us (US, UK, West) and one rule for them (Iran, Middle East, holders of great natural resources). The recent case with 'Scooter' Libby says it all. Here's a man indicted for perjury after a two year investigation and yet Bush in his press conference speech yesterday stated (not exact words) that in our regime, everyone is innocent until proven guilty (referring to Libby). Tell that to all the invaded countries, suspects held without trial, Guantanamo prisoners and Iranians that the US and UK have harmed or seek to harm.
I understand your point and it essentially correct.
But, the bottom line is , the chances of the US, UK the west, using nuclear weapons in anger or other than in self defence are close to zero.
The same cannot be said for Iran , they seem to acknowledge such by using language such as "wiping Israel from the map"
Slightly off topic, but we are quick to have a go at US/UK intervention in the world. I agree that we have f**ked up in many areas, but is there hypocrisy in those that criticise ALL intervention?
After all, what would of happened if we hadn't kicked Saddam out of Kuwait? Would other countries been plundered?
What would of happened in the former Yugoslavia if NATO hadn't intervened?
There are other examples, but on top of this there was the recent esculation between Pakistan and India, who is asked to step in and diffuse tensions? , the US!!!
Sudan starts to go tits up , who is asked to intervene militarily? Yep the US.
Perhaps it would be better to judge each case, rather making sweeping statements on how evil the west is?
And so on, and so forth....