If you'd like your MP to sign it (and you would, wouldn't you ) you can write them a missive by putting your postcode into http://www.writetothem.com.Alan Simpson, MP wrote:
That this House notes that massive expansion of renewable energy generating capacity is essential in order to cut the UK's carbon emissions significantly and to meet the EU renewable energy targets; further notes that the UK generates just five per cent. of its electricity from renewable sources; recognises that many European countries have adopted a feed-in tariff system with considerable success, paying a long-term, guaranteed premium price for renewable electricity exported to the grid; appreciates that a feed-in tariff has played a transformational role in Germany which now generates 13 per cent. of its electricity from renewable sources and employs 236,000 people in the renewable energy sector; further notes the finding of the Stern Review that `comparisons between deployment support through tradeable quotas and feed-in tariff price support suggest that feed-in mechanisms achieve larger deployment at lower costs'; believes that there is an urgent need for a feed-in tariff to support smaller scale renewable electricity schemes; recognises that a UK feed-in tariff could work alongside other policy mechanisms that support large scale renewable electricity generation; and calls on the Government to introduce the necessary enabling powers for a feed-in tariff in the current Energy Bill and give a commitment to introduce, following appropriate consultation, a UK feed-in tariff to support smaller non-merchant renewable electricity generation.
I've not put a 'template' letter up because write-to-them (allegedly) blocks pasted text.