Isenhand - if I'd been living in OT times, perhaps I would have been involved in religious wars, as that's part of how God was operating then. I don't believe that any religious wars since then have been sanctioned or ordered by God, and don't expect any to be in future. Oh, and why the use of "xian"? I've never seen it used as an abbreviation before?
Peter - you're right that predestination is a thorny topic, even among Christians! Probably a bit much to go into here, but we can if you like...
Tess wrote:But that's by-the-by. What I wanted to ask you was how you came to your belief in the Bible-as-Truth. It doesn't flow automatically from a belief in God in my experience, and if you'd been raised in an Islamic culture you'd have been far more likely to accept the Qu'ran as the inspired Word of God rather than the Bible. I don't ask this to attack your faith, but rather to understand the thought process that took you to faith in the truth of the Bible once the existence (and nature of?) God was a given for you.
Since most of your other views flow naturally from your belief in biblical truth I would be interested in how you got from belief in God to trust in the Bible. It's not something that ever happened for me, perhaps because I trusted my own feelings as to right-and-wrong more than I trusted what I was reading. I wasnt willing to 'step down' to accept what I saw as an inferior moral code... Arrogant I know, but not something I could just choose to ignore.
Well, I was brought up in a Christian family, but around the age of 16 progressively moved away from God. This continued almost all the way through university, until I was about 25.
At this point, without contact with any Christians, I began to get an increasingly strong feeling that I ought to be reading my Bible. I did so, and a few weeks later I had several situations which challenged me to make my mind up what I believed and start to live by it. Now right through the period I was ignoring God, I still believed He existed at the back of my mind, but this was as if He was pushing his way into my mind and forcing the situation.
After a few weeks of reading, prayer and meditation, I got "reconnected" to God, and had a much stronger faith than before, that was more real and less theoretical. All this happened on my own, without family or church being involved. The difference in me was quite profound, and several people commented on it over the following months.
Anyway, things went along fine for a while, I got married, and Tracy and I were looking into becoming mission workers (with an emphasis on aid and development). But then along came peak oil.... We both quite quickly came to the conclusion that we weren't to go and do mission work (there's a longer story in there...), but not before we'd visited a string of countries (with me reading The Party's Over on the way!). We decided to stop going to a church in Oxford 10 miles away, and go to one we could walk to. (there is a point to telling you all this)
Now, up until this point, I still believed in the theory of evolution (to pick one example from several), but had some confused ideas about how it fitted in with the Bible. But at the new church we were going to, which was much smaller than the old one, the teaching and meetings were oriented much more towards getting to know God properly, as in a deep personal relationship. This was compared to our old church, which was much more about intellectual study of the Bible and practical application of it to life today. Not that that isn't important, but it's a bit like trying to have a successful marriage (or other relationship) by reading books and following instructions, without actually bothering to get to know the other person.
So, through the couple of years we were at this church, I was challenged by God as to why I didn't accept the whole Bible and use it as the basis for my faith. Now if this had happened earlier, I'm not sure how I would have resolved the matter, but because it happened at the point when I was entering a deeper relationship with God, it was quite straightforward, because I was no longer dealing with a dusty old book which came second to science, etc., but the word of the living God, who I was getting to know on a personal basis.
I suppose it's a bit like reading an autobiography - you might decide the author has made some of it up, but then on meeting them and getting to know them as a friend, you may change your mind and realise they aren't the kind of person to do that. Poor analogy perhaps, but hopefully it gets the idea across?
So to go back to your main point:
Tess wrote:Since most of your other views flow naturally from your belief in biblical truth I would be interested in how you got from belief in God to trust in the Bible. It's not something that ever happened for me.
I suppose the key is this: belief in God is only the start, a progressively deepening relationship with Him is what enables you to trust Him, and trust His Word. And like any relationship, both sides have to want it, and work at it. God wants it, and will work at it, but not without your consent and participation.
I hope that all makes sense!?