This doesn't answer any of my points previously, but then they aren't answerable without losing the argument. It's just a fairly breathtaking example of the respect for authority ("because I say so") that I pointed out was a feature of religions in an earlier post. It is one of the features of religious thought that allows the religion to maintain its power structure over people without going to the trouble of providing a convincing picture of reality.Justness - I don't believe humans are in a position to challenge whether God is just or not. We don't have the full knowledge of any situation in the way that He does.
Well that was depressing to read...this thread is now over 130 postings and we've got nowhere: if you want to make a claim, show us some evidence! No religion (including Islam as well as Christianity) has done this. Missing a speed camera is not in the same league and you (ought to) know it. Apart from anything else, we all know plenty of speed cameras exist, understand how they work and can go and look at one, touch it, smell it, even kick it any time we like. What you are saying is that "we all know (having seen many of them ourselves) that Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, Anansi and the rest of the gods exist, and we are picking on poor old Christianity's god". Not so.You might think a speed camera you never saw but caught you is unjust, but you wouldn't try arguing it didn't exist.
Do you actually believe the Adam and Eve myth? Does that mean that you believe the universe is somewhere between 6,000 and 10,000 years old? That people walked with dinosaurs? That the last two centuries of astronomy, chemistry, geology, archaeology, physics and biology are tripe when compared with the collected myths of a pre-science tribal people?Myths and Mythology - if you think miracles and supernatural events are impossible, then of course it looks like a myth. If you think they are possible, then there's no problem with any of it.
There is evidence for Peak Oil - a lot. Are you claiming that the oil was put there by god, since if the universe is only a few thousand years old there would not have been time for it to form?"Deal with reality or reality will deal with you" (Dr Colin Campbell) - no problem with this quote - the reality I see includes God, so I could use the same quote to warn someone of the consequences of not believing in God, as well as not believing in PO.
I do not "believe" in Peak Oil. I accept Peak Oil as a theory which has demonstrated its utility (in the case of the USA, it correctly predicted the local peak, for example) and corresponds well with what we know about geology (and economics). No "belief", in the way that one must believe without evidence in an invisible (at any wavelength), inaudible, unfeelable, unsmellable, untastable and otherwise undetectable god is required. Indeed, if all Peak Oil had going for it was faith, I would dismiss it until some evidence turned up.