On the Old Testament god's "justness":
Job was tortured by Satan, though only within limits set by God
Well that's ok then. Oh, hang on a minute, no it isn't. Just because George Bush and Dick Cheney aren't actually wielding the reel of gaffer tape and bucket of water themselves, doesn't mean they aren't guilty of torture.
Job was rewarded with more than he'd lost in the first place
Well, I guess that was a consolation to his first family, killed to make a point to someone else.
It's quite a while since I read this stuff (hence slip of the keyboard WRT "Moses' army"), but even so, the god's expansiveness with punishment isn't just. Even if the Midianites deserved a kicking (and there was no invasion of their lands by the Israelites "on god's orders", say), surely a just punishment would only be visited on those who had actually offended, rather than exterminating the entire people? Especially if it was to be administered at the behest of an omniscient , just and benevolent deity? It seems particularly hard on the young girls, who were merely related to members of the "oppressing" army...
f we didn't have the choice to do wrong, we would be unable to do anything but follow God - no free will. Likewise, if God were to force people to believe in Him, there would be no free choice either.
He goes with a third option: eternal torture (seems a bit sick for a relatively minor transgression) unless you believe without (deja vu all over again in this thread)
any evidence! My biblical hero is Doubting Thomas, for exactly the reason that he is portrayed as not up to snuff in the NT: he has the temerity to ask for evidence.
On harm from other causes, the thing to remember is that when humans brought sin into the world, the whole of creation became "tainted", and nothing works the way it would have done. For example, before sin there was no pain in childbirth and no need for farmers to battle weeds to produce food.
Er...you do know we're talking about the myths of a desert tribe several thousand years ago, right?
If you start from the position that the Bible is rubbish, it confirms your view as you "know" a global flood is impossible, and the account shows Genesis to be plagiarism
Not rubbish - mythology.
We do know that the global flood is a myth. There is a lot of evidence out there inconsistent with the myth being true, and none consistent with it.
Not plagiarism - merely the inheritance and transfer of myths between peoples and generations.
Your Campbell quote is a good one, but I find it very odd coming from a (I'm guessing) fundamentalist/creationist theist. Can I ask why you think Peak Oil is real?
One general observation I'd like to make as well: in a discussion like this, why is Christianity the focus, rather than Islam or some other religion? Is it just because we have no Muslims here standing up for their beliefs?
Probably. I'm a completely ecumenical atheist

Any god needs to provide evidence of its existence. Oh - and so does Satan.