Well the technology for breeders is around quite a long time, but never commercial because it is more costly. And there is enough uranium present for quite some time, so there was never a commercial breaktrough for these types.Adam1 wrote:...
The finnish reactor (an EPR) is just a design improvement of a PWR-type. The design has more safety features and trough better understanding of the behaviour of core neutrons, we can get to more efficient use.
But the huge problem with wind, is that it isn't always there (or there at full power). The same goes for solar and tidal. So if you build those, you also have to build back-up. To make this economical you're back-up will need a wide range of load following capacity, so that in the event of a lack of renewables you can adjust power of these facilities. And if you really plan this good, you can couple these systems together to have a rather flexible load following capacity (kinda complicated to explain it here). For pure base load, it's both a waste of economical and natural resources.
And of course the nuclear lobby is jumping on this...the same goes for the wind and solar lobby! But they don't have the bad image...
Look I know nuclear is very very complex (I study it, and after 5 years I still have a couple of years left to learn). Instead of reading a book by an author who never got his paper published in a real scientific magazine (Storm Van Leeuwen), try reading papers or books from people who are a scientific reference. Lamarsch his book "introduction to nuclear engineering" is very good to learn the basics. But I assume there are also others...