The Lean Gude To Nuclear Energy - David Fleming

Is nuclear fission going to make a comeback and plug the gap in our energy needs? Will nuclear fusion ever become energetically viable?

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Shaun Chamberlin
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The Lean Gude To Nuclear Energy - David Fleming

Post by Shaun Chamberlin »

For anyone who missed it, David Fleming's Lean Guide to Nuclear Energy was at last released on Monday and is available for free download at: ... ml#Nuclear

I believe it finally clarifies the truth behind much of the debate over uranium supplies (including explaining why there are such vast differences in estimates), alternative sources of fuel and the greenhouse gas emissions of the nuclear lifecycle. But then, perhaps I would, being the editor and all!

"The most telling argument for nuclear power is that, if it can be a major source of energy which does not contribute to climate change, it is worth putting up with the pollution, waste and risk. In this careful and very readable analysis, David Fleming demolishes that argument." ~ Edward Goldsmith
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Post by Adam1 »

This updates, sharpens and consolidates the arguments in David Fleming`s earlier booklet. Nuclear power is not going to be even a small part of any effective response, irrespective of whether we are "pro-nuclear" or "anti-nuclear". Our part of the world is already so infested with nuclear sites which will, as things stand, at some point in the future leach radioactive waste into the environment. All our nuclear efforts should be put towards stabilising the waste in as secure a central depository as we can manage. Preferably one that does not need electricity to keep the waste cool and which will isolate the waste for as long as possible in a low energy future. What a delightful present we are handing down to future generations!

The government`s latest announcement that they want to build four new nuclear structures at sea level is depressing indeed - who needs terrorists when you have leaders like ours? Hopefully the economic chaos arising from peak oil will put paid to their plans.
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