Ukraine Watch...

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Re: Ukraine Watch...

Post by BritDownUnder »

invalid wrote: 28 Feb 2025, 21:58 A great deal of the world is actually unaligned. Obviously for Europe's own interests they're willing to fight to the last Ukrainian . Shameful.
I am more than happy for this. If you view Ukrainians as really being Russians then it is a civil war and we are helping the more democratic side.

Trump is risght it should not have come to this. 30 years of poor Western diplomacy towards Russia and toleration of their espionage and tricks and exploiting their economy during the Yeltsin period.

The minerals are not that important. I think the food supply is far more strategic. Australia has all the minerals Ukraine has and far more quantities.

Underlying this all is that the US has a budget crisis, and underwrote other democracies to win the Cold War, and basically funded Europes generaous welfare systems as a result of lower defence costs. Russia has used most of its immense natural resources for funding defence instead of development in other fields and as a result of this will continue to do so.
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Re: Ukraine Watch...

Post by UndercoverElephant »

invalid wrote: 01 Mar 2025, 13:26
UndercoverElephant wrote: 01 Mar 2025, 07:27
invalid wrote: 01 Mar 2025, 01:13 Russian bullshit
F--k off.
Haha touched a nerve have I
No. I lost interest in reading your posts about two years ago, and have zero emotional engagement with you, because I do not read what you write. If you had any credibility around here I might bothered, but you don't. Your contributions aren't having any actual effect. They don't matter to anything else, so it would be rather stupid if I they mattered to me.
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Re: Ukraine Watch...

Post by Mark »

Indeed. He's made 250 pro-Putin posts and not moved the dial of opinion on here a millimeter...
He must have realised that by now, so presumably he continues to post to get some kind of weird kick...
He should take up drinking more vodka like most of his comrades.
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Re: Ukraine Watch...

Post by Ralphw2 »

Or he gets paid per post
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Re: Ukraine Watch...

Post by Potemkin Villager »

Things can only get better! ... rders-boom

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Re: Ukraine Watch...

Post by mr brightside »

UndercoverElephant wrote: 28 Feb 2025, 21:36 We have to support escalation.
We're between a rock and a hard place. Either it's Trumps own personal brand of 'diplomacy' which basically involves extorting and exploiting Ukraine, or Europe picks up where Biden left off. Neither of these options are favourable, but it's high time someone had a go at putting an end to the killing. After all, this whole thing was a Biden vanity project and it's loss means one less US proxy war. The more the US and Russia trust each other, the safer we all are.
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Re: Ukraine Watch...

Post by UndercoverElephant »

mr brightside wrote: 03 Mar 2025, 12:28 The more the US and Russia trust each other, the safer we all are.
That might well be true if the US wasn't being run by an idiot suffering from dementia.
We must deal with reality or it will deal with us.
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