UnderCoverElephant wrote:
Human society needs to either change (radically) or it will die out.
Maybe, Maybe not. It isn't as though
Apocalypticism is new. Thought of another way, we humans been waiting around a long time to die out, and the folks thinking it keep recycling it down through the generations when it doesn't come to fruition.
UnderCoverElephant wrote:
Either we do that voluntarily and culturally, or natural processes will do it against or will, probably physically. I am interested in the broader perspective of HUMAN evolution, precisely because whether or not humans survive will have a great deal of effect on everything else, thus it is the key question concerning that new ecological order.
Humans aren't much for collective voluntary or decided cultural change are we? Have we ever sat down and said "hey, we need to do this thing for this reason" and then actually gone out and done it? CFCs?
UnderCoverElephant wrote:
But jellyfish might just LOVE this...or the next apex predator that comes along enjoying how we've reconfigured the biosphere to suit them.
Humans aren't just an apex predator. It is a predator which has changed the whole game by inventing a new ecological niche: extreme brain power.
I am unclear on how clever monkeys made a new ecological niche by polluting the biosphere as they became more cleverer. Seems like polluting the biosphere was just a side effect of us consuming and burning and polluting, etc etc, as our cleverness grew. So we changed the climate along the way? Cool...so did the Azolla, and a fern didn't need cleverness at all. Just more time than us humans have needed.
UnderCoverElephant wrote:
We have also changed our social structure from tribes/clans to civilisations thousands of times larger. This is evolution at work, but its work is not finished. The new social structure is too effective, and the rest of the ecosystem can't cope. Therefore it will also have to change - whether humans survive or not. It either has to reboot without us, or reboot with us.
We have evolved, yes. How we used our evolved cleverness led to more fouling of the nest. So sure...change will happen, voluntary or involuntary. Sounds like how we have dodged past claims of Apocalypse doesn't it? Change happened. We don't know what we don't know until the pressure of the situations perhaps forces a change that matters. It works...until it doesn't.
Catton outlines like 6 or 7 of these events down through our history in "Overshoot". Are you discounting the next one, if only because we can't see into the future?