I am not sure allowing people to exploit their own resources is really that practical these days Down Under. It has to be said that the Australian government has exploited its resources poorly until recently, almost giving away the LNG for free as a result of a few bribed politicians. Problem over here now is that the bulk of the resources are under the seabed so are probably owned by the state anyway or in state owned land in desert nature reserves.
The only exception is the coal seam gas / coal bed methane that is under private farmland/ranch land. Most of the farmers whose land the methane is under have to be forced by legal action to acquiesce to its extraction as in doing so releases large amounts of saline water that damages the future agricultural profitability of the land above.
Private ownership of resources was tried in the UK, I think, before WW2 and had all the problems of aristocrats running coal mines under their vast estates and paying the workers poorly etc. Led to the Nationalisation of the Coal mines in 1947.
Why should Australia worry when it can get all of its energy from a 27 x 27 mile square in a desert in the red centre of the country from solar means. Also 1000 years of coal reserves left and one third of the worlds uranium reserves.
Back to blackouts they are not really caused by a long term shortage of fossil reserves, at the moment anyway, but a shortage of available energy during a short time of the day when demand is highest and there is a lack of despatchable power plants - usually gas powered, and a track record of poor planning policy.