Jihad Watch

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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by kenneal - lagger »

No surprise there!
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by Forever_Winter »

Apparently another Jihadist on the loose in Belgium after killing two football supporters 'God made him do it' apparently.

Guess the blowback from the Israel / Hamas war now making its presence felt...
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by Ralphw2 »

A young Muslim boy was murdered in the US. Blowback goes both ways.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by adam2 »

One dead and several hurt in Paris attack https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67604591

Looks a bit like jihad, but this has not been confirmed
.Edited to add that later reports state that the attacker chanted "god is greatest"
in Arabic which is a strong indication of jihad.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by adam2 »

Large scale attack on a music venue outside Moscow. Some reports link this to the war in Ukraine, but most consider it be the work of jihadis.
At least 60 believed dead, building on fire.

Islamic state have claimed that carried out the attack, and IMHO that looks very likely. IS like attacking music venues as most entertainment is considered un-islamic
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by BritDownUnder »

I think it should be said that this attack is not unique to Russia in that people are massacred while undertaking non-military activities. French people were mown down by a truck while celebrating Bastille Day. Also Ukrainians were killed in a shopping mall by a Russian missile. Of course, according to the Russians, the latter were citizens of a Nazi state and needed de-Nazifying while they were undertaking such a serious fascist activity as shopping.

It will be interesting to see how this Russian attack goes down amongst the Russians. For me the timing just after the election seems very unusual and very convenient for a series of harsh laws in Russia. A bit like the Reichstag fire in Germany. We shall see what Putin's reaction is.

I believe the Taliban used to symbolically execute television sets by hanging them from telegraph poles. And Iran railed against satellite TV as 'satanic' TV.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by adam2 »

later reports put the death toll as " over 115" Very sad.
I have little sympathy for russia under present circumstances, but DO sympathise with the injured and bereaved in cases like this.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by Ralphw2 »

Attack at Turkish arms factory leaves 4 dead. Appears to be suicide attack by a man and a woman. Each was filmed with automatic weapons and backpacks, assumed to be bombs. Reports that hostages were taken, but Turkey imposed a media blackout before the bombs exploded. The choice of target points more towards Kurdish separatists than Islamic extremists, but too early to say. The attackers died.

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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by UndercoverElephant »

What is going on in Germany? I've just seen an interview with a German MP blaming the far right for carrying out this attack. The "suspect" is a Saudi Arabian doctor, and she actually claimed this person was not an Islamic extremist but a far right extremist.

I can smell horseshit.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by adam2 »

UndercoverElephant wrote: 21 Dec 2024, 09:26 What is going on in Germany? I've just seen an interview with a German MP blaming the far right for carrying out this attack. The "suspect" is a Saudi Arabian doctor, and she actually claimed this person was not an Islamic extremist but a far right extremist.

I can smell horseshit.
I smell something similar !
There is a PC view that muslims are splendidly diverse and are the religion of peace. The real problem in Germany, the UK, and elsewhere is the extreme right. In cases such as this one, in which the connection with islam and with saudi arabia is hard to deny, then of course the attack must be the work of a "far right extremist" who might purely by chance happen also to be a muslim and from saudi arabia.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by BritDownUnder »

Back in the good old days when the UK was hideously white and the Labour party wanted to help workers these things did not seem to happen. Obviously an occasional witch got burnt or dunked to death and heretics were burnt at the stake but there was probably no terrorism. Looking up such a punishment I was almost disappointed to see the last person burnt at the stake was in 1616. I think it needs to be brought back for the worst forms of terrorism.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by adam2 »

I am in favour of execution for taking life by terrorism, but would prefer shooting by firing squad. Burning at the stake sounds a bit primitive.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by UndercoverElephant »

The story coming out of Germany is incomprehensible, and I do not believe it. Why would an anti-muslim right wing extremist from Saudi Arabia carry out a mass-murder of normal (ie not particularly muslim) Germans? Why would an anti-muslim extremist do exactly the sort of thing islamic extremists do?

The reason I don't believe it is that nobody appears to be questioning the credibility of this clearly non-credible explanation.

EDIT: the story is now this:
While the motive is still unclear, the prosecutor says it's linked to "dissatisfaction with the treatment of refugees from Saudi Arabia in Germany"
Which still doesn't make much sense.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by Ralphw2 »

Terrorism as a concept only became widespread in the 1970s with both worldwide TV images and cheaper worldwide travel by jet airliner. Before that it was the work of anarchists or similar.

This is clearly a terrorist attack, whatever the motivation, and the perpetrator is presumably Muslim. A lot of terrorists are Muslim. That is not the same thing as saying that a lot of MUslims are terrorists. Islam is only second to Christianity in global scale, and easily 99% of Muslims are decent, law abiding people, many of whom have been brought up in a somewhat different set of personal values and beliefs, some of which can cause some degree of friction with the Western liberal democracy viewpoint, but the vast majority are happy to live and let live. As with Christianity, or historically any of the major religions, some sects and sub-divisions of Islam have evolved to have leadership which actively promotes discord and conflict with other religions or populations, in order to increase their own control or authority. It is not so many decades ago that the CHristian world actively encouraged racism and colonialism to support it's parent nations annexation of most of the under developped lands of the world, in the name of bringing civliisation and god's word. It wasn't terrorism in the modern sense, but it involved a very large amount of terror for the peoples being annexed.
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Re: Jihad Watch

Post by BritDownUnder »

Burning at the stake is an appropriate mediaeval punishment for a mediaeval mindset in my opinion.

I think terrorism was called anarchism earlier but was still present. There were bombings on Wall Street in the 1920s I think and a person blew up a school in America. There were also attacks in the UK blamed on Russian anarchists (mostly Jews as it happens). I think what terrorism is an attack on the 'different', i.e. something that is different to the perpetrator and that provides the justification.

Obviously Western countries need to modify their foreign policies to attempt to minimise terrorism, not invading Iraq would have been a good idea, not allowing one million Syrians into your country would have also been a good idea. Equal trade and an ethical foreign policy might help. Also foreign aid could be considered. How the West treats the 'New' Syria might offer a new chance.
G'Day cobber!
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