Canadian trucker protests - why no coverage?

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Canadian trucker protests - why no coverage?

Post by Vortex2 »


Thousands of truckers in Canada are blockading Ottowa and three of the US-Canada transit points, including one which carries 25% of US-Canada traffic.

They are complaining about vaccine mandates ... they aren't anti-vax, they are anti-FORCED-vax.

Trudeau has imposed a type of martial law so he can seize trucks, fine & jail truckers, seize donations etc.

In Nova-Scotia you can be fined just for standing by the side of the road and waving support to the passing streams of trucks!

Crowd funding sites have been forced to cease operations.

So ... why is this not being covered in the UK?

I issued a complaint to the BBC about this and the said that they had 4 (FOUR) web pages covering it in some dank corner of their website.

The paper newspapers aren't covering this either.

Is there a D-Notice on this topic?

See: ... -in-ottawa
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Re: Canadian trucker protests - why no coverage?

Post by PS_RalphW »

There is no news blackout. It has been widely reported over the last few weeks. ... -crackdown

Maybe the news media you read don't think their audience will be interested in such a backwater place.


on reflection, the only UK papers to cover the story are the guardian and the independent. Maybe the right wing media are too embarrassed to report on such dumb redneck protests causing so much economic damage to an otherwise peaceful and well ordered society.
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Re: Canadian trucker protests - why no coverage?

Post by adam2 »

It has been reported here, but other news was perhaps considered more interesting.

Royal sex scandals.
Winter Olympics.
Resignation of Met police chief.
And now extreme weather.

"Funny things happen in other places" and are far less noteworthy than similar events happening here.
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Re: Canadian trucker protests - why no coverage?

Post by PS_RalphW »

What is interesting is the use of emergency powers to enforce constraints on crowdfunding and cryptocurrency transactions to financially damage the protestors. ... s-now-what

This reminds me of the Arab governments being wrongfooted by social media in the Arab spring and their re-imposition of control over the following years, and also the great firewall of China.

In the long run the states will enforce control over the internet.
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