My ONLY point of concern is the BBC response to their film.
It simply doesn't sound or feel right.
I was expecting something like:
"Err, we did in fact show a canned backdrop due to problems getting live video at the time. Sorry about the confusion. It's just standard practice."
However they did NOT say that ...
I suppose I'll have to wait those 50 years ... ooops, I'll be gone by then ... oh, well ...
The Conspiracy Files
Moderator: Peak Moderation
Try this - 49 minutes in:mocara wrote:How can you people think that our governments would lie to us about something so significant? ... 0392312026
...and more Bill Hicks quotes for his fans:
Olduvai Theory (Updated) (Reviewed)
Easter Island - a warning from history :
Easter Island - a warning from history :
Oops - didn't see this question Mocara...... here you go,mocara wrote:How can you people think that our governments would lie to us about something so significant? Snow Hope I challenge you to show me one case of this in recent history. To think that a government would have a hand in killing its own people as a pretext for war!?
Ah, I can't keep a straight face
Bozzio I agree with you. I don't think we are likely to see any true answers for at least 50 years.
Hitler did it, ... stag-fire/
Pearl Harbour is a pretty good example, ... rl-harbor/
Operation Northwoods involved planes crashing, ... orthwoods/
And of course the infamous 911 carnage, ... 1-attacks/
Another one is likely to be required to allow the arial bombing of Iran.....

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