Jihad Watch
Moderator: Peak Moderation
We are both in north Somerset and Id rather be here than London or a city you were sensible to move . But years ago I had someone threaten to behead me who lived in Gloucester this was over insulting Mohammed . and a lot of fundamentalist websites were based in a very quiet part of Gloucester, .This was prior to 9,11 I think he was later arrested. So we have loons all over the place
"What causes more suffering in the world than the stupidity of the compassionate?"Friedrich Nietzsche
optimism is cowardice oswald spengler
optimism is cowardice oswald spengler
- Potemkin Villager
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I did a double take on that one as "Loons " here are an aquatic migratory bird that is labeled endangered but is actually doing pretty well even on very small lakes and ponds surrounded by summer camps.Potemkin Villager wrote:On this I can only agree 100%!jonny2mad wrote:...... we have loons all over the place
The camp owners and their guests enjoy watching the mother loons swim by their canoe or boat with their new chicks riding on their backs.
Their calls at sundown are indeed forlorn and remind a person of teenage loves lost.
- adam2
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Turkish leader calls for boycott of French goods.
Similar boycotts are underway in several Arab countries.
Looks to me like showing support for head chopping and other terrorist acts.
See also
Similar boycotts are underway in several Arab countries.
Looks to me like showing support for head chopping and other terrorist acts.
See also
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
- adam2
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Another attack, leaving at least one dead and others injured, in Nice, France.
Some reports state that the deceased was beheaded, and that attacker was chanting "god is greatest" in arabic.
The presumed attacker is in police custody.
EDIT TO ADD, Slightly later reports refer to three fatalities, rather than the single fatality in earlier reports.
Some reports state that the deceased was beheaded, and that attacker was chanting "god is greatest" in arabic.
The presumed attacker is in police custody.
EDIT TO ADD, Slightly later reports refer to three fatalities, rather than the single fatality in earlier reports.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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Islamist calls for a Blasphemy Law to protect their religion would turn against them as Islam denies the deity of Christ; to them he is just another prophet. As far as I'm aware we can't have a law to protect just one religion so blaspheming against Islam couldn't be made an offence without blaspheming against other religions being one.
Even if it were possible to have a law against blasphemy against Islam I can't see it getting through Parliament as the whooha in the streets would be deafening and could provoke large scale right wing counter demonstrations.
It would be far better to leave it to God, whichever one you worship although Islam's God, the Jewish God and the Christian God are one and the same supposedly, to decide what the punishment for blasphemy would be when the sinner finally meets their God.
Even if it were possible to have a law against blasphemy against Islam I can't see it getting through Parliament as the whooha in the streets would be deafening and could provoke large scale right wing counter demonstrations.
It would be far better to leave it to God, whichever one you worship although Islam's God, the Jewish God and the Christian God are one and the same supposedly, to decide what the punishment for blasphemy would be when the sinner finally meets their God.
Action is the antidote to despair - Joan Baez
- BritDownUnder
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Those silly frogs are really in a bind. They allow free speech to insult the Muslim's prophet stirring up the 'believers' having let millions of them into their country beforehand. I understand one third of French schoolchildren are now Muslim. Then they escort Iranian boat people across the channel and threaten to blockade the UK imports and exports.
How can they expect sympathy from any other Western country?
I understand the former Malaysian PM has said it is OK to kill froggies as they have in their history killed millions of Muslims in the past. There is a good book about their shared history called the French Intifada. Apparently Paris had problem Muslim ghettos even in the 1930s.
How can they expect sympathy from any other Western country?
I understand the former Malaysian PM has said it is OK to kill froggies as they have in their history killed millions of Muslims in the past. There is a good book about their shared history called the French Intifada. Apparently Paris had problem Muslim ghettos even in the 1930s.
G'Day cobber!
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Eventually, this will end with the Muslims of Europe being driven into the sea or worse. The only question, so far as I can see, is how long before that happens.
This is the beginning of a new and probably terrifying order in Western civilization. Or, it is the beginning of the end of Western civilization.
This is the beginning of a new and probably terrifying order in Western civilization. Or, it is the beginning of the end of Western civilization.
- adam2
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You are often predicting a violent outcome, but this time I fear that you are right.Little John wrote:Eventually, this will end with the Muslims of Europe being driven into the sea or worse. The only question, so far as I can see, is how long before that happens.
This is the beginning of a new and probably terrifying order in Western civilization. Or, it is the beginning of the end of Western civilization.
Anti-France protests are spreading in many Islamic places. Burning of effigies, shoe throwing, and burning of French flags.
Personally, I have more sympathy with the French whose citizens have been murdered, than I have with those doing or supporting the murdering.
If Little John, or indeed anyone else, organised an "anti Islamic" protest, with similar behaviour to that prevailing at the anti-French protests, then it seems likely that they would be arrested for racism.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
The entire West is in a bind, us included.BritDownUnder wrote:Those silly frogs are really in a bind. They allow free speech to insult the Muslim's prophet stirring up the 'believers' having let millions of them into their country beforehand.
It's probably fair to say that most Muslims immigrants want to live exactly the same life as back home, but with a better economic situation.
So, they put their traditions and the message from the Mosque before trying to assimilate, which instantly puts them odds with the values of liberal democracies.
The choices seem to be between better integration, which I don't see much evidence of in Bradford, Oldham etc.
Or increased tension, discrimination, division and further conflict.
- BritDownUnder
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France is a bit further down the line than the rest of Western Europe and has a bad history with its immigrants. No doubt the UK is on the same trajectory but a few decades behind.
In the end you get the government you vote for. Personally, I vote for the most right wing party possible be it BNP, New Zealand First or, when I get the vote in Australia, One Nation as it is the only way long term to stem immigration and overpopulation.
I would give the US a fair chance of survival especially with a Trump victory. New Zealand too. Reasonably good border policy and high gun ownership. Australia I am not so sure about but again it is a longer way down the line than Western Europe. One good thing about Covid down under is that it has frozen immigration and probably will for a long time to come.
I don't think removing Muslims from Europe will the as easy as people think. They have a long history of infiltrating, conquering or usurping countries, whole civilisations even, are very patient and play the long game. It took Spain from 711 to 1492 to get rid of them along with guerrilla activity for another 100 years. As I said before at least one third of France's future population is now Muslim and I would guess the percentage of Muslim school children in the UK at between 10 and 20%.
I like to think of them as a bit like Cuckoos. Have a read up on the strategies employed by that bird and you will know what I am talking about.
In the end you get the government you vote for. Personally, I vote for the most right wing party possible be it BNP, New Zealand First or, when I get the vote in Australia, One Nation as it is the only way long term to stem immigration and overpopulation.
I would give the US a fair chance of survival especially with a Trump victory. New Zealand too. Reasonably good border policy and high gun ownership. Australia I am not so sure about but again it is a longer way down the line than Western Europe. One good thing about Covid down under is that it has frozen immigration and probably will for a long time to come.
I don't think removing Muslims from Europe will the as easy as people think. They have a long history of infiltrating, conquering or usurping countries, whole civilisations even, are very patient and play the long game. It took Spain from 711 to 1492 to get rid of them along with guerrilla activity for another 100 years. As I said before at least one third of France's future population is now Muslim and I would guess the percentage of Muslim school children in the UK at between 10 and 20%.
I like to think of them as a bit like Cuckoos. Have a read up on the strategies employed by that bird and you will know what I am talking about.
G'Day cobber!
- adam2
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Several lives lost in what is believed to a terrorist attack in Vienna, Austria.
Early reports suggest that several attackers opened fire with rifles and killed multiple people.
The police have killed one of the attackers.
Early reports suggest that several attackers opened fire with rifles and killed multiple people.
The police have killed one of the attackers.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
- adam2
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Latest reports regarding the Vienna attack state 4 victims killed and that others are seriously injured and remain in hospital.
It is now suspected that the gunman may have acted alone, contrary to earlier reports suggesting several terrorists.
A number of suspects are under arrest.
The terrorist is reported to have been released early from prison.
Meanwhile the terrorist threat level in the UK has been increased from "substantial" to "severe", meaning that an attack is considered "highly likely" but that there is no intelligence regarding a specific threat.
It is now suspected that the gunman may have acted alone, contrary to earlier reports suggesting several terrorists.
A number of suspects are under arrest.
The terrorist is reported to have been released early from prison.
Meanwhile the terrorist threat level in the UK has been increased from "substantial" to "severe", meaning that an attack is considered "highly likely" but that there is no intelligence regarding a specific threat.
"Installers and owners of emergency diesels must assume that they will have to run for a week or more"
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The worry in the UK is that these attacks will insight copycat attacks by previously unknown radicalised Moslems. This could happen anywhere but odds on it would be more likely in areas with larger numbers of Moslems and most likely with a knife or vehicle as guns are hard to come by unless you're from the criminal fraternity.
On the other hand there might not be any attacks at all.
On the other hand there might not be any attacks at all.
Action is the antidote to despair - Joan Baez