Direct Air Capture

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Direct Air Capture

Post by Potemkin Villager » ... ng-co2-air

"The Treasury is pumping £100m into developing a little-known technology championed by Dominic Cummings that “sucks� carbon dioxide out of the air in order to combat global warming.

Boris Johnson’s most senior adviser is leading a push to help the UK achieve net zero carbon emissions through “direct air capture� (DAC). During the process, “a stack of metal ‘air scrubbers’ use a chemical solution to remove the CO2�, which is then stored underground, according to the Daily Mail. "

What's to go wrong with this?
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Re: Direct Air Capture

Post by vtsnowedin »

Potemkin Villager wrote: ... ng-co2-air

"The Treasury is pumping £100m into developing a little-known technology championed by Dominic Cummings that “sucks� carbon dioxide out of the air in order to combat global warming.

Boris Johnson’s most senior adviser is leading a push to help the UK achieve net zero carbon emissions through “direct air capture� (DAC). During the process, “a stack of metal ‘air scrubbers’ use a chemical solution to remove the CO2�, which is then stored underground, according to the Daily Mail. "

What's to go wrong with this?
I'd think this is wrong enough.
At the moment, it costs nearly £500 to remove a single tonne of CO2,�
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

Lots of lovely new technology to save us ....... if we can afford to use it!! I'm afraid that we will see lots of this sort of stuff.
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Post by adam2 »

Air contains only about 0.4% carbon dioxide, and extracting something present in such a low concentration is liable to be expensive.

A better approach might to capture the much more concentrated carbon dioxide emitted by certain processes.
Not perhaps the combustion of fuel, which we should be minimising in any case, but other processes.

Large scale fermentation for ethanol production produces huge volumes of relatively concentrated carbon dioxide. Applies to both ethanol fuel, and to potable alcohol.

Cement production also.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

I've seen processes which claim to capture CO2 for sequenstration which is then sold on to carbonate drinks and uses like that which promptly return the CO2 to the atmosphere. And these people sell their product with a straight face!!
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Post by Potemkin Villager »

I find all this auld bollocks really depressing. 100 million of taxpayers money
pocketed by a bunch of gougers who know the "right people" promoting a scam they know won't deliver the miraculous results promised.

They should be taken out and shot and then composted.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

Next it will be fitted to all air handling and conditioning units to scrub the CO2 that they produce in use. Anyone know if the CO2 scrubbed from the air sucked through a typical air handling unit would be anything near that produced by the electricity used? If it isn't it could be said that the electricity used is nil because the air handling unit would be running anyway.
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Post by emordnilap »

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Post by Potemkin Villager »

Crackpot doesn't even scratch the surface! :roll:

“Crackpot realism is one of the downsides of the division of labor. It emerges reliably whenever two conditions are in effect. The first condition is that the task of choosing goals for an activity is assigned to one group of people and the task of finding means to achieve those goals is left to a different group of people. The second condition is that the first group needs to be enough higher in social status than the second group that members of the first group need pay no attention to the concerns of the second group."
Overconfidence, not just expert overconfidence but general overconfidence,
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