India China watch

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India China watch

Post by BritDownUnder »

Interesting news on the India China situation. I am not sure if there is already a post on this.

This could be a bit of a flare up especially as there are three nuclear armed neighbours meeting at this point and they don't like each other very much (except the master-servant China-Pakistan relationship).

Credit to them that they never resort to firearms and simply have punch ups on the border, whenever they meet to settle things. I am not sure how this thing happened but it sounds like a Chinese and Indian patrol met on a narrow mountain ridge 15000+ feet up and a lot of them fell off. ... f/12367952
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Post by raspberry-blower »

A good analysis of the situation from a former Indian Ambassador:

MK Bhadrakumar 1962 India China War Redux
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Post by BritDownUnder »

It's a good analysis if you subscribe to the view that America (or even the long dead British Empire) is to blame for everything wrong in the world today.
To me China is having a hissy fit because India is building a good road up to their side of the Line of Control. Perhaps India should build more roads so that China has to expend resources to build much longer roads across the Tibetian plateau to get to their side of the LOC.
Maybe they could have road building competitions instead of border boxing matches and melees?

I see this as two quite arrogant and upcoming Asian powers jockeying for power and posturing that may cause trouble for the world. I often wonder if the Chinese ever think they will suffer from 'overstrech' just like the US and the British before them by simultaneously bullying every country in the world.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

I would prefer that they indulge in boxing matches or melees rather than road building competitions. The boxing matches are much more environmentally friendly.
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Post by adam2 »

Shoot outs are fairly environmentally friendly provided that only light weapons are used.
Reduces the local population a bit.
A little lead pollution from the spent rounds though.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

adam2 wrote:Shoot outs are fairly environmentally friendly provided that only light weapons are used.
Reduces the local population a bit.
A little lead pollution from the spent rounds though.
Oh full metal jacket military ammunition is of little environmental consequence as the lead cores are completely covered in copper alloy. The real damage will come from the combat engineers digging in defensive positions and the supply roads needed for the supply train.
Think of a freeway construction project without any permitting process or regulation.
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