New coronavirus in/from China

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Post by adam2 »

Supermarket food shortages seem to be getting worse and not better.

Tesco New Malden branch "out of almost everything" according to my sister who lives in that area.
Not just toilet rolls, canned foods and dried pasta, but also beer, soft drinks, fresh fruit and vegetables, and cleaning products.

Smaller shops also very short of stock.
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Mean Mr Mustard II
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Post by Mean Mr Mustard II »

Doc Campbell reports the Carlisle pubs did a shameful trade in cheap beer last night, and there will be inevitable infections and deaths as a result.

Doubtless these utter retards will now continue to meet in pub car parks, or homes. So the next stage will be to ask nicely pretty please with sugar on top, to perhaps not to do that sort of thing? Only when that gets a Good Stiff Ignoring, do we finally get into Any meetings of over three is punishable by a huge fine and slung in infested jail time. Always behind the plot. And even the rows of body bags in fire pits a hundred metres long near the scaffold and tarps morgue at RAF Much Binding in the Marsh is only elaborate fake news, eh.
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Post by Vortex2 »

Mean Mr Mustard II wrote:Doc Campbell reports the Carlisle pubs did a shameful trade in cheap beer last night, and there will be inevitable infections and deaths as a result.

Doubtless these utter retards will now continue to meet in pub car parks, or homes. So the next stage will be to ask nicely pretty please with sugar on top, to perhaps not to do that sort of thing? Only when that gets a Good Stiff Ignoring, do we finally get into Any meetings of over three is punishable by a huge fine and slung in infested jail time. Always behind the plot. And even the rows of body bags in fire pits a hundred metres long near the scaffold and tarps morgue at RAF Much Binding in the Marsh is only elaborate fake news, eh.
Simply have patrols IDing everyone in pubs, at 'virus parties', on beaches etc ... and ensure that they receive no medical treatment.
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Post by Mean Mr Mustard II »

It won't deter the utter retards as it's only the flu and even we well behaved will not get treated. Jail time with some institutional spread, threatened or, whoops, oh dear how sad never mind, actual.

The Doc is so enraged and it's really upsetting.
When you're dealing with exponential growth, the time to act is when it feels too early.
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Post by clv101 »

adam2 wrote:Supermarket food shortages seem to be getting worse and not better.
This week is make for break for public confidence. A neighbor asked yesterday if I wanted to add anything to their Monday Tesco Click and Collect - according to website very little in stock though.

Spent the morning sowing seeds.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

In about a week all those that stocked up will be at home surrounded by their piles of bog rolls and pasta and will not need to go to the store even if they are not afraid to go out. That should give the supply line time to catch up and get shelves restocked. Of course some will discover they forgot the frozen meatballs to go with the pasta but the will not need any more bog rolls.
On another note I wonder how all this social distancing will effect the spread of regular flu and reduce the number of deaths from it.
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Post by clv101 »

Kids begging me to make cake.i have no sugar.can I borrow some please ? It's in my shopping list for monday
And so it begins! :roll:
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Post by Potemkin Villager »

UndercoverElephant wrote:
There's also a worst-case scenario for the US which literally flattens it. Imagine that they try quite hard to contain the virus, but only succeed in slowing it down, so the crisis is still ongoing in August. Then imagine that this year's annual up-ratchet in climate change is supercharged by a big drop in global dimming, leading to an extra 0.5C warming over the summer. Come September, the US is then likely to be hit by several really big hurricanes - the worst hurricane season ever, by some margin. At which point any attempt to contain the virus will fail.

The US is totally f***ed. The New American Century lasted 19 years.

The UK is also in massive trouble, given our dependence on dodgy financial services.
You can scarceley be called a glass half full sort sort of person! :shock:
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Post by Potemkin Villager »

People seem to be taking to all sorts of new activities to compensate for being unable to quietly sit in an empty room alone for extended periods. One can imagine the sorts of self inflicted injuries otherwise healthy folk will suffer as a result of going out and buying chain saws, climbing ladders, swimming in near freezing water and heading up their local mountains ill prepared........ haing said that the air sea rescue chopper has just flown over our roof at about 200 feet :(
Little John

Post by Little John »

It was completely inevitable, in a society that has endured 40 odd years of neo-liberalism, where everyone knows the score now that it's every man for himself where, when faced with an existential threat like this with the government hinting heavily that full house quarantining is a distinct possibility, that people were going to rush out and stock up a month or two ahead if they had the money to so do.

They have merely done, in a hurry, what most folks on here have been bragging about having done for years.

In any event, once the entire country gets a month ahead on people's shelves, things will calm down. So, as long as the actual supply chains are not yet disrupted, the shelves should slowly fill back up again.

On the other hand, if those supply chains do become disrupted due to sicknesses in the supply chain all the way to the manufacturers overseas... then folks were right to panic buy...weren't they
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Post by Vortex2 »

That's it I'm done.

Bought the cable ties I needed, jerrycans of fuel and some bitumen paint and a couple of spare lightbulbs.

I now feel ready for the crisis that is coming!

(Of course I expect a few more mega urgent outings over the coming weeks ... but mainly for food)

I will now settle down and do work on the farm plus develop something exciting in my newly constructed computer corner, with it's 6+ computers.
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Post by vtsnowedin »

First deaths in Vermont. Two both over eighty years old. One a veteran at the VA hospital.
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Post by raspberry-blower »

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools - Douglas Adams.
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Post by adam2 »

Potemkin Villager wrote:
UndercoverElephant wrote:
There's also a worst-case scenario for the US which literally flattens it. Imagine that they try quite hard to contain the virus, but only succeed in slowing it down, so the crisis is still ongoing in August. Then imagine that this year's annual up-ratchet in climate change is supercharged by a big drop in global dimming, leading to an extra 0.5C warming over the summer. Come September, the US is then likely to be hit by several really big hurricanes - the worst hurricane season ever, by some margin. At which point any attempt to contain the virus will fail.

The US is totally f***ed. The New American Century lasted 19 years.

The UK is also in massive trouble, given our dependence on dodgy financial services.
You can scarceley be called a glass half full sort sort of person! :shock:
I was concerned that my glass would soon be empty, due to the rationing of beer by supermarkets.
I have now received ample supplies direct from a local brewery, and they assure me that stocks are ample, and that they expect no shortage.
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Post by Vortex2 »

Horrific report of the effects of the virus even on young people ... g-patients

Am I allowed to drop my British reserve for a moment and admit that I am scared?
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