stumuz1 wrote:As there is a real risk of this happening, we will all know someone who is infected and someone who maybe will need respiratory help.
Taking as an axiom that the NHS will be full, is there a DIY remedy, medicine, relieve that we can make, acquire, use to help respiratory difficulty?
Mrs Stumuz has had a steamer when she has had a cold or flu in the past. It just needs hot water and breathe in the steam.
Any other remedies come to mind?
My key factors:
Not sure about steamers ... check carefully on that before using!
* Vitamin D daily ... 25ug ... NOT more.
* Thermometer to detect fever, and to determine when you start taking meds. (I have bought an expensive non-contact thermometer to make checking simpler, and also to allow checking of visitors)
* Meds to be paracetamol & ibuprofen interleaved, above a trigger temperature.
* O2 sensor used on finger : to detect poor blood O2 levels, so 999 can be called.
* I would buy an O2 enricher ... but I can't afford one.
* Know EXACTLY where to drive a dying family member to if the wotsit hits the fan. You don't want to rush to a closed hospital! (Have a 'hospital bag' ready to go. Also ensure you all write wills)