I have aked two questionsvtsnowedin wrote:Do you have any evidence that it doesn't? And why does the existing feedstock for the electric grid need to be changed at the same time as EVs are adopted? Worst problems first don't you think?
(a) a comparison of the total carbon emissions/energy consumtion (cradle to grave including total energy consumed in terms of energy feed-stock from its generation to the vehicles battery/gas tank) comparison for EV's versus ICE
(b) what is the total amount of renewables required to completely replace the carbon input into the national grid.
The first question is a foundational one because, in the absence of being able to answer it, any claim as to EV's lower carbon emissions/greater energy efficiency is so much unsubstantiated bollocks.
The second question is very nearly as important because if the requirement of EVs are such that they soak up all/most available renewable energy that is produced, that would be a demonstrably bad use of that energy since it could be consumed with little to no extra technological infrastructure simply by feeding it into the grid for use with existing electricity consuming technologies, in turn producing an equal reduction in carbon emissions, if not more.
You have yet to even begin to address these questions.
I am not the one making the evidence free claims.