South and SE USA suffering an unseasonal heat wave

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kenneal - lagger
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South and SE USA suffering an unseasonal heat wave

Post by kenneal - lagger »

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Re: South and SE USA suffering an unseasonal heat wave

Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

kenneal - lagger wrote:South and south eastern USA suffering an unseasonal heat wave and scientist ask "Is this the future?"
I always mention to people that if they don't like the climate change possibilities where they live, MOVE. Having followed my own advice a long time ago, I can only say that living in those humidity soaked rain forest like conditions (even before this past month) is for the masochists of the country.
kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

Meanwhile this monster is stalking the Pacific. Won't do much for the World Cup Rugby over the weekend.
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Post by BritDownUnder »

The problem is when people move to avoid the heat, floods (take your pick) and go to other countries uninvited. The fact that the destinations countries have nice social security systems, free medical care/housing, easy women etc etc doesn't help.

You can see where it all ends up. It will be like the end of the Western Roman Empire.
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Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

BritDownUnder wrote:The problem is when people move to avoid the heat, floods (take your pick) and go to other countries uninvited.
That problem, for far more complex reasons than it got warmer somewhere, has been going on for millennia. Be it the native Americans forcing others out of their pueblos through force of arms, or the dieoffs of the ancient civilizations in Mexico and Central America. Water, temperature, good soil, who owns the rights to a river. So now we do it because some folks don't like where they are? One of those bummers that comes with the uncertainty nature of where we are born. Some Cajuns aren't going to leave their swamps until someone makes them either.

I recommend stronger border control than we have had in the past, but I realize some folks would rather allow just anyone to come wandering into their country.
BritDownUnder wrote: The fact that the destinations countries have nice social security systems, free medical care/housing, easy women etc etc doesn't help.
I think it helps IMMENSELY!!! Wonderful attraction, the idea that if I, as a displaced person in some likely poor country, can just move and become a First Worlder just by location! This is great! No more hunting monkeys for dinner or dealing with the smell of sewage in the streets or religion on religion violence? Sign me up!
BritDownUnder wrote: You can see where it all ends up. It will be like the end of the Western Roman Empire.
Could be. But you've got an island, which is a wonderful defense against it from happening, and we've got a wonderful patsy neighbor to the North that isn't breeding like rats, and a southern border we have recently decided to quite bulk up the defenses on. Not as good a shape as islands, but not too shabby.
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