Little John wrote:You seem especially exercised at the thought that the government may elect to use mangled and or obscure interpretations of parliamentary procedure either in spirit or in fact next week.
Nope. You
still don't understand where I'm coming from in this, regardless of how many times I explain it. I am simply astonished that any government, even in the current bizarre situation, would seriously contemplate flagrantly breaking the law of the land. If you'd asked me 3 years ago whether such thing was possible, I'd have said never in a million years. And yet here we are.
I am nothing like as emotionally invested in brexit as you are. For me, this is first class entertainment.
I must confess, I don't recall seeing you you ever as exercised at the fact that, for the last three years, precisely the same and worse has been done by Remainers in parliament, aided and abetted, of course, by a speaker of the house who has entirely unconstitutionally turned a role of impartial arbitrator into a highlight politicized and partial power base.
Funny that, isn't it
Remainers have never once contemplated breaking the law. They've failed miserably to understand why leave won, and they've openly made a mockery of democracy, but at all times they have worked within the law. As for the speaker, he didn't instigate the constitutional rule-bending. It was Theresa who started that game when she pulled the meaningful vote and started trying to run the clock down. He just followed suit.
Parliament is sovereign, not the government. This government lost its authority, as well as its majority, a long time ago. We should have had an election last year.