UndercoverElephant wrote:
The commons is sovereign. If you have a commons majority, you can do anything. If don't, you can do very little.
No, the Commons are not sovereign.
I forgot about the Parliament Acts , especially the 1911 one.
The 1911 Act is a great story in its own right.
Lloyd George basically passed a bill to tax land in the UK, at that time something like 98% of the land was owned by 2% of the people.
Long story short, the vast majority of the people supported the 1911 Act, because it paid for the first old age pension.
The commons trying to do a 1911 act today would not succeed. Neither would an act to abolish the Monarchy work.
So, the 1911 act proves what we already know;
Ultimately, the people are sovereign. Parliament's sovereignty is legal in theory only, as if they passed an act which 98% of the people do not want. It will be ignored.
This is why the controversy this week, will be forgotten about. Half the people support it.