stumuz1 wrote:
You say you are not a rabid remainer Mark, but that link shows how thin your arguments are.
Ruth Davidson is standing down for many reason NOT connected to Brexit.
They are all in the public domain, most are personal, and Nothing to do with Brexit.
There you go again, insulting those you don't agree with and attributing opinions to them. I can see why you and LJ are kindred spirits...
I am neither 'rabid', nor did I vote remain.
Another unpleasant post, but I understand that you can't help yourself.
Anyway, moving on to Ruth Davidson.
Yes, she quoted her family life, but all politicians say that, so you think it's just a coincidence that she's resigned 1 day after BoJo prorogues Parliament ?
If you listen to what she actually said, her main concern was the impact the a hard-Brexit would have on the business community.
I share that concern.
Most posters on here seem relaxed about losing Scotland from the UK.
If nothing else, we would lose the oil revenue, whiskey revenue, off-shore wind resources, a good chunk of the fishing grounds, etc. etc. etc.
A 'scorched 'earth' hard-Brexit forced through by English Nationalists is not the way forward....