Peak Tourism?

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Potemkin Villager
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Peak Tourism?

Post by Potemkin Villager »

Oh please someone tell me that tourism has peaked! ... on-holiday

"In 1950 there were 25m international tourist visits, rising to 166m in 1970, and 435m in 1990......... In 2018 there were a record 1.4bn international tourist arrivals, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), a rise of 6% over 2017."
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

The Chinese have only just got started!
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Post by vtsnowedin »

You mean to say that you don't want me to return to Kent to check out the sights and see if any long lost relatives still live there while dropping a couple of thousand pounds into the local economy? Not very hospitable of you I think.
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Post by Potemkin Villager »

Och if only folk turned up, quietly emptied their wallets, and then just fecked off! ... on-protest

"But this success is tempered by the associated strain on basic infrastructure – road maintenance, toilets and waste disposal– and some locals argue that the route has created a hit-and-run tourist habit that does not benefit small businesses.

Roofing tacks were found to be strewn across the road near Bettyhill on several occasions last year, according to Police Scotland. Malone and her husband both suffered punctures. Although the perpetrator was never found, locals assume that the vandalism was the result of ongoing frustration at tourist traffic."
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Re: Peak Tourism?

Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

Potemkin Villager wrote:Oh please someone tell me that tourism has peaked!
Indeed. We've got tourists forming parades on the canyon roads, on Saturday I witnessed a westbound slowdown in 3 different spots along 20 miles of interstate highway by 9AM on a Saturday, tourists are now moving here and becoming locals because of the legalization of dope, any campsite in the mountains within 30 miles of Denver is now full summer long, the fools call the cops when they spot anyone carrying a firearm in the back country that isn't wearing a uniform, bicyclists in the backcountry have no annoyed the locals they are now booby trapping trails with spikes and fishing line, school buses are now used to move tourist tubers to and from river locations, and so on and so forth.
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Post by boisdevie »

Ah, The Guardian, that fine quality newspaper where consistency is to them an interesting word in the dictionary that they don't understand the meaning of. They have endless articles about the climate in danger and then the other day had an article about Chile as a holiday destination!!!
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Post by woodburner »

This contradiction is common. We are told to cut our heating, travel, food waste, etc, etc, then everywhere is full of adverts encouraging us to BUY MORE STUFF!!!!!!!!
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

I wrote to the Guardian a few months ago to pick up on a contradiction between an economics article and their line on Climate Change. Needless to say it wasn't published.
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Re: Peak Tourism?

Post by Lurkalot »

Potemkin Villager wrote:
"In 1950 there were 25m international tourist visits, rising to 166m in 1970, and 435m in 1990......... In 2018 there were a record 1.4bn international tourist arrivals, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), a rise of 6% over 2017."
I mentioned these numbers to my sister in law who is one thanks believes she needs a foreign holiday at least once if not more a year. When I mentioned it she was trawling through her phone for holiday deals. Her response was along the same vein of people's response to the idea of a zero carbon Britain . No point us doing it when China are building coal fired power stations every week , no point me stopping flying , one out of all those billions isn't going to have any impact .
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Re: Peak Tourism?

Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

Lurkalot wrote:
Potemkin Villager wrote:
"In 1950 there were 25m international tourist visits, rising to 166m in 1970, and 435m in 1990......... In 2018 there were a record 1.4bn international tourist arrivals, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNTWO), a rise of 6% over 2017."
I mentioned these numbers to my sister in law who is one thanks believes she needs a foreign holiday at least once if not more a year. When I mentioned it she was trawling through her phone for holiday deals. Her response was along the same vein of people's response to the idea of a zero carbon Britain . No point us doing it when China are building coal fired power stations every week , no point me stopping flying , one out of all those billions isn't going to have any impact .
Your sister sounds perfectly normal. And worse yet, logical.
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Post by Lurkalot »

Wife's sister but yes normal in her view being the majority view , one small cog and all that.
Frankly normal and logical aren't words I generally use to describe her but I see your point .
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

Her choice is not logical at all because if every one adopts her attitude nothing changes. If a large majority took the opposite view a lot would change. That is the logocal choice when we face a problem.

By you changing to an electric car, RGR, you have probably influenced one or two others to buy one instead of an ICE car and they in turn will influence people. That is how change is effected.
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Post by Lurkalot »

I've always thought logic is a poor tool , what's logical to one person isn't necessary the same to another. Saying that , though, I do agree with you ken. It's this idea of being too insignificant amongst the masses to make a difference that was the point . I'm sure some people do think that iff nobody else is doing anything then their efforts are effectively pointless . Still mighty oaks and acorns and all that...
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Post by woodburner »

This year has seen a reduced number of EV registrations in the UK. Interest may have waned as the subsidy is no longer available.

If everybody in the UK stopped taking foreign holidays, it would make f all difference in world terms. And most people don’t care enough to change what they do by much. It’s no good preaching and pointing fingers, it’s just the way people are. Better get used to it. The false flag of carbon taxes may make life harder for many, it will not fix any perceived problem. Carbon tax is just that, a tax. A way of taking peoples money. If governments really wanted to stop unnecessary consumption, they’s ban advertising.
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Post by ReserveGrowthRulz »

kenneal - lagger wrote:Her choice is not logical at all because if every one adopts her attitude nothing changes.
Nothing is changing now. The masses have spoken. Give me jet setting and Caribbean vacations or give me death!!
kenneal-lagger wrote: If a large majority took the opposite view a lot would change. That is the logocal choice when we face a problem.
A large majority have decided not to take the opposite view.'ve got to be kidding? Do you know how few people are objectively and critically able to use that particular tool in the tool box?
kenneal-lagger wrote: By you changing to an electric car, RGR, you have probably influenced one or two others to buy one instead of an ICE car and they in turn will influence people. That is how change is effected.
Another half century and maybe the chart of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa will show the effects?
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