PS_RalphW wrote:. The EU election gave no clear indication of the public mood on brexit, only half the people who voted in the referendum voted in the EU election. Only the more engaged in brexit voted, leading to a swing to both pro and anti brexit parties, although the Nigel Farage party only increased his share by a few percent.
Complete and utter bullshit. As usual.
Disingenuous Remainers like yourself, aided and abetted by a lying, bullshitting MSM are, laughably, trying to make out that Conservative and Labour votes were for Remain because only that way can you even remotely attempt to make the truly reality defying claim that the result "was not clear".
Okay, to take the claim about Conservative votes first:
Utter cock-walloping bullshit....
There... that's all that needs to be said about the Conservative vote claim.
On now to the claim about Labour votes:
Arguably, we may reasonably assume that at least half of the voters of Labour in the Euro elections were Leave voters who were still daft enough to believe that what Labour has been proposing is still Leave. Clearly, the above must be true since Labour were trying to make out precisely that all the way up to the Euro elections. That being the case, even if we re-apportion Labour's votes, 1/2 and 1/2 to the Remain and Leave groupings, Leave still wins by a comfortable margin.
However, for the sake of argument, let's go the whole hog and remove Labour's votes out of the Leave/Remain equation altogether. Guess what, Leave
still wins. Albeit by a much reduced margin.
There is no amount of spin that can be placed on the above results that even remotely allows for an assumption that Remain won the largest share of the votes.
Anyone who does claim the above is either a moron, a hypocrite or a liar.