If that poll was accurate and uniform over all of the UK would not the Brexit party win all of the seats?UndercoverElephant wrote:That's not how it works, and they won't get 50% of the vote.vtsnowedin wrote:If the Brexit party wins fifty one percent of the next vote will they not be able to form a government without any of the smaller parties joining them in coalition?
They'd need 50% +1 of the seats. But because their vote is split over all the different seats, even if they get 25% of the vote, they would probably only get a handful of seats.
Voting intention for the EU elections is pretty stunning though. Latest Yougov poll: Britain Elects - European Parliament voting intention:
BREX: 28% (+5)
LAB: 22% (-)
CON: 13% (-4)
CHUK: 10% (+2)
GRN: 10% (-)
LDEM: 7% (-2)
UKIP 5% (-1) via @YouGov, 23 - 26 Apr
I mean WOW. Tories on 13%. They are so f***ed. That's a miserable rating for the liberal democrats also.
Of course even I know you have your own version of Red states vs. blue states so you have to get down to seat by seat polls to know (or think you know) who will win each seat.
Considering the resent accuracy of polls in the UK and US I would not bet the rent on their say so.