Articles such as this can be used by Climate Change deniers

For threads primarily discussing Climate Change (particularly in relation to Peak Oil)

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Post by woodburner »

Your uneducated, personal opinions are of no interest to the vast majority of people on this forum so I suggest that until your can find any scientific backing from people working in the field of Climate Change/Global Warming you just keep quiet about the subject. There is plenty of other stuff that you can usefully contribute to.
Interesting, is that a consensus, or a clumsy attempt at censorship?
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kenneal - lagger
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

If you keep spouting your anti climate change rubbish, Woodburner, people are going to think twice about anything you say on any other subject. I certainly question your opinions on anything else in view of your loony thoughts on climate change. If you can be so wrong about climate change why not on other things such as vaccination and vitamins?
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Post by vtsnowedin »

It is the first day of spring. My local "weather" was 7deg. F this morning with a sunny day rising to somewhere in the forties. two to four feet of snow on the ground depending on sun vs. shade position Roads were frozen in morning but will be six inch deep mud my sundown. Mixed snow and rain predicted for tomorrow night. I am hoping for a continued gradual snow melt to avoid the flooding they are having on the Western plains . Last thing I need is a two day hard warm rain. To sum up pretty normal here if anything a good deal more snow pack then average for day of year but certainly not unprecedented.
How is your local weather?
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Post by clv101 »

kenneal - lagger wrote:If you keep spouting your anti climate change rubbish, Woodburner, people are going to think twice about anything you say on any other subject. I certainly question your opinions on anything else in view of your loony thoughts on climate change. If you can be so wrong about climate change why not on other things such as vaccination and vitamins?
Absolutely, when someone shows no interest in taking the time to understand the basics of climate science I certainly have no confidence in their understanding of any other area of science.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

vtsnowedin wrote:......... How is your local weather?
Varies from average to warmer than average with intermittent named storms more severe than usual but a lot drier than last winter. I'm getting concerned that if we don't have more than average rain over the next couple of months I will have to feed hay during the summer as the grass will stop growing as the ground dries out. The ground dries out after a few days between storms.

I can drive anywhere on the farm at the moment with the trailer on the back with three round hay bales aboard and road tyres on the disco 4X4. This time last year the mud was flowing over the track and we were sliding big round bales rather then rolling them and we wouldn't dare going off the tracks even with the 4X4 on its own.

Just what you would expect from a warming climate; more extreme and more unusual and varied weather patterns.
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Post by woodburner »

kenneal - lagger wrote:If you keep spouting your anti climate change rubbish, Woodburner, people are going to think twice about anything you say on any other subject. I certainly question your opinions on anything else in view of your loony thoughts on climate change. If you can be so wrong about climate change why not on other things such as vaccination and vitamins?
It gets really tedious, here you go again with another attack because of a question about your religeon. You have the arrogance to state that a view other than the consensus with which you apparantly agree is “loony rubbish�. Well we shall see who’s right. A question for you, go back about 30 years, where is the predicted sea level rise? If it is yet to come, what is this mythical rise going to be, cos it ain’t happening on anything like the predicted scale.

I await another arrogant response, I’m sure you won’t disappoint.

Another thing, speak for yourself if you wish, but it is arrogant (yet again) to assume what “other people� think. They may, or they may not, but it is not your place to take their names in vain.

In other areas, you will have noted, occasionally I agree with points you make, since you now question everything, because I have loony views, does that mean you question your own views too?
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

What is tedious is the lack of any science in your replies now, Woodburner, and when there is it comes from people who are not qualified in the field of climate change; they are amateurs like you and I. I do try to back up my arguments with references to scientists and to their papers.

Regarding sea level rise, this is not a linear phenomenon. Like other phenomena to do with climate the effects are exponential; They start off with very small doublings over a long period but then the increase suddenly takes off at an alarming rate. The human population is just such an increase; for hundreds of thousands of years the human or protohuman population doubled over tens of thousands of years but now it is doubling in just decades. Sea level rise is showing just such a rate of increase; we are still at the bottom of the graph on the long almost level section but the rate of increase will start to become more rapid over the next few decades. Start here for more information - ... -sea-level or here ... cards.html. By the way sea level is rising about 3mm per year but it is not even across the globe.

The sea is rising more quickly along the East Coast of the US because the Gulf Stream is slowing down and because the water is flowing more slowly past the east coast its level rises. The loss of mass due to the melting of the Greenland Ice sheet means that water is flowing away from that area as the gravitational attraction is less as the ice sheet gets lighter. Any sea level rise will be felt about 2000km away.

Is that response arrogant enough for you? I'm not sure of your logic in your last sentence; it has me "arrogantly" baffled!! I question my own views before I decide whether to run with them or not and I sometimes do put them on here as a question so that I can be illuminated by the many erudite people we converse with on this forum.
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Post by clv101 »

woodburner wrote:...A question for you, go back about 30 years, where is the predicted sea level rise? If it is yet to come, what is this mythical rise going to be, cos it ain’t happening on anything like the predicted scale.
Okay, go back 30 years and we have the 1990 IPPC First Assessment Report, here's the chapter on SLR: ... ter_09.pdf

See figure 9.6, from 1990 to 2020 they projected a best estimate of around 15cm, or 5 mm/yr. Their uncertainty was ~2.7 - 6.7 mm/yr.

Observed rise over the period 1993-2018 has been around 3.2 mm/yr (taken to 2020 will likely nudge up to 3.5 mm/yr). Well within their stated uncertainties - it was a good 30 year projection.
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Post by woodburner »

kenneal - lagger wrote:If you keep spouting your anti climate change rubbish, Woodburner, people are going to think twice about anything you say on any other subject. I certainly question your opinions on anything else in view of your loony thoughts on climate change. If you can be so wrong about climate change why not on other things such as vaccination and vitamins?
So I am accused of spouting rubbish because some people here do not like the official view being questioned. That view is dressed up as “science� when it is just an excuse to give the population a simplified list of claimed impending disasters which is the forerunner tool to impose a totalitarian government. If this is not the case, why did so many well positioned people make statements that this has nothing to do with climate change, but everything to do with the new world order?

Want some easy evening listening? Try this then.

‘But scientists, who ought to know
Assure us that it must be so.
O! Let us never ever doubt
What nobody is sure about’

Hilaire Belloc.
To become an extremist, hang around with people you agree with. Cass Sunstein
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Post by woodburner »

The BBC and climate change, though not all agree.
To become an extremist, hang around with people you agree with. Cass Sunstein
Little John

Post by Little John »

I've kept out of this debate more or less thus far. But, will note the following;

Whatever the seriousness of the issue of the climate and the rest of life on earth - which, for the sake of clarity I do consider as serious issues - I am nevertheless noticing my bullshit antenna starting to twitch of late with the sudden up-tick in "news" about these issues and the popping up out of nowhere, all fully formed (and fully funded it would seem), of a "movement" like the "Extinction Rebellion".

It all smells a bit "Pussy Hat" to me.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

Extinction Rebellion was two years in incubation in Stroud according to the Observer last week. It did not just "pop up."
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

How do you explain, Woodburner, that even the fossil fuel industry's own scientists found that global warming is a fact. Or are they in on the conspiracy as well?

I would seem that you think that 97% of climate scientists have got entirely the wrong idea as have virtually 100% of health scientists on vaccination but you seem to be quite happy with computer science as you're using this forum, electrical generation science for the same reason and why are you using a car when it might blow up on you although 100% of scientists working in the field of the internal combustion engine would say that that is wrong?
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Post by woodburner »

kenneal - lagger wrote:How do you explain, Woodburner, that even the fossil fuel industry's own scientists found that global warming is a fact. Or are they in on the conspiracy as well?

I would seem that you think that 97% of climate scientists have got entirely the wrong idea as have virtually 100% of health scientists on vaccination but you seem to be quite happy with computer science as you're using this forum, electrical generation science for the same reason and why are you using a car when it might blow up on you although 100% of scientists working in the field of the internal combustion engine would say that that is wrong?
Hmmmm, a mish-mash of flawed suppositions, as for your last point about cars blowing up, talk to owners of Vauxhall Zafiras..
To become an extremist, hang around with people you agree with. Cass Sunstein
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Post by vtsnowedin »

Moving beyond the question of "Is climate change caused by human activity?" the real question becomes what if anything can the human population do to correct the problem? Good answers there are few and far between.
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