RevdTess wrote:
And 9% of Leave voters are now supporting Labour, vs 34% of Remain voters, which is why it's so important for Corbyn to come out in favour of a 2nd ref if he wants to not lose them.
I'd certainly spin this differently. It's not so much a case of coming out in favour of a second referendum in order not to lose the remain vote. In fact, from a leave POV, that is cynically selling out. Labour can, instead, quite honestly, say that there aren't many alternatives left. It is clear that no deal won't get through any UK parliament, before or after another election. And it is also clear that May's deal is considered unsupportable both by non-tory remainers and quite a lot of tory leavers. It's the "bad deal" she kept telling everybody was worse than no deal.
Which leaves
what, exactly? The truth is that the only way brexit could actually happen was if May brought back a deal from Brussels that could conceivably get through parliament, and she has failed spectacularly to do so. Whether you want to blame her self-imposed red lines, her strategic incompetence, her failure to consult her own cabinet or reach out across the chamber, the end product remains the same, and it is no good.
So Labour can simply say this: The EU are refusing to renegotiate the WA, which won't pass the commons unless confirmed as the will of the people in a referendum. Therefore a referendum is the only viable way forwards.
They actually don't have much to lose by taking this line, since they've already lost the votes of committed no-dealers and any other leavers they lose will go to the brexit party instead of the tories. Under FPTP, this will deliver them seats.