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Post by vtsnowedin »

Dare I ask what "groomed" means?
And My girlfriend would be spat at only once.
Little John

Post by Little John »

vtsnowedin wrote:Dare I ask what "groomed" means?
And My girlfriend would be spat at only once.
They have to live there for the moment. It's a function of their tenancy - unless they wish to incur a charge. It is for a limited time. My son has had it out with the old bastards (two of them), but they feigned a lack of understanding of the english language, which is either bullshit, or, if not, is no excuse. He could have taken it further if he was so inclined - he is six foot five like me and, like me, is not afraid. However, sometimes, discretion is the better part of valour. Especially so given the a larger environment of people who would back each other up. Unless, of course, one is an idiot with a Trump-esque (or is that just Yank-esque) need to show off the size of his dick. My son is not an idiot.

In any event, it has not happened since he verbally had it out with them. At least for the moment.

As for grooming - this refers to an initial feigning of care and attention by these pieces of shit to young and often vulnerable young working class poor girls. Soon, followed by the introduction to drugs with the aim of getting the girls drug dependant. Eventually followed by the use of the girls as sexual serfs (passed around from individual to individual or, even, from gang to gang and sometimes from town to town) in order to feed their drug habit. It that does not work, the girls are dehumanised with gang rapes, beatings and overt threats to their lives until all self esteem is utterly destroyed.
Last edited by Little John on 03 Mar 2018, 17:09, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by adam2 »

vtsnowedin wrote:Dare I ask what "groomed" means?
And My girlfriend would be spat at only once.
There are varying and slightly different definitions of "groomed"
A reasonable one IN MY VIEW is "befriended, then bribed with drugs, alcohol, money or other inducements, then used for more or less wiling sex, and then raped." Sometimes the groomer(s) will tell the girl that they owe money for the favours previously granted, and must now repay such favours by having sex with friends of the groomer.

Whilst persons of any race or creed may groom girls, it does seem to be primarily an Islamic problem.
Some muslims would consider that girls are property, and that rape is an offence not against the female, but against the owner of the female.
If girls are wandering around without an owner, then they are considered fair game.
Some of the Muslim men convicted of serious sex crimes in Rochdale, Rotherham and elsewhere, genuinely appear to feel that they did nothing wrong and that they are victims of a racist culture.
No Sharia Court would have convicted them.
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Post by Little John »

If the girls are below the legal age of consent, as many of them are, then to use the term "willing" in the context of sex with adult men is certainly legally incorrect. However, it is also morally incorrect given the explicitly abusive intent of these men,
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Post by adam2 »

Little John wrote:If the girls are below the legal age of consent, as many of them are, then to use the term "willing" in the context of sex with adult men is certainly legally incorrect. However, it is also morally incorrect given the explicitly abusive intent of these men,
Yes, though of course some muslim men regard the UK legal age of consent as an alien and racist concept that prevents them from following traditional cultural practices.
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Post by kenneal - lagger »

There is also the fact that these girls are not Moslem and are so outside the remit of Sharia law, or any law, according to the quran (and Jonny2mad).

This is why there is so much violence in the Middle East at the moment as the two major sects of Islam battle to wipe out the "non believers" of the other sect. You cannot harm a "believer" on pain of infinite damnation but it is open season on "unbelievers".
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

End of NHS pay freeze. Why? Because of Brexit. (We told you so).

I have no link for this - just watched it on C4 news (about half way through the programme). Person being interviewed about why the unions have found it relatively easy to get the government to finally agree to give NHS staff a pay rise. The answer? Because the NHS has a recruitment and retainment crisis and because of Brexit, this is predicted to get much worse. NHS employees from other EU member states are leaving because of Brexit, and going forwards the market for recruiting and retaining staff is going to be harder, so the government has accepted that the pay freeze has to go and the NHS has to compete, by offering more pay, to get and keep staff.

In other words, all those Remainers who said "The NHS can't function without all those European staff!" were wrong, and all those Brexiteers who said "Wages are being held down by EU immigration, especially for people at the lower end of the pay scales." were right.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

It's not a genuine pay-rise: the figure quoted is over a number of years and works out as below inflation.

Also, there are now, because of the removal of bursaries for student nurses, far fewer new staff 'coming through the pipeline'. Long term, that will be a stronger effect than Brexit.
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Post by RenewableCandy »

Also LJ, your son, perhaps in cahoots with other fellow-sufferers if he can find them, NEEDS to report these guys. Maybe after he's left the area and doesn't have to keep seeing their mates/rels all the time like you say, but what's not-reported remains, technically, not a crime because it doesn't figure in the stats.
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Post by Little John »

They have been reported on over a number of years


But, the labour run council and upper echelons of the police, stocked as they were and are with right-on, liberal, petit beougious apparatchiks, chose to ignore the repeated reports of abuse on the basis - at least on the surface - of "community cohesion" and "diversity". But, lying just under the surface of that right-on-liberalism is something much darker and much older. Class snobbery. The bourgeoisie and petit beorgoisise of this country despise their own indigenous working class. And so they have been thrown to the f*cking economic wolves in the form of globalist neo-liberalism and the cultural wolves in the form of these Islamic scumbags.

I suggest all of those nice, polite, middle class liberals need to a take a long hard look in the mirror.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

Looks like decision time... ... gainst-it/
David Davis, the Brexit secretary of state and arguably the most important minister in this government other than the Prime Minister, faces a moment of truth tomorrow. He is completely clear that it would be a disastrous mistake for the Prime Minister and the UK government to offer Brussels a backstop proposal for keeping the Irish border open that does not contain a specified end date.

His reason is simple. That backstop would commit the UK to staying in the customs union and single market. And once the EU were to have that commitment, Davis believes – plausibly – that his Brussels interlocutor Michel Barnier would no longer have any incentive to negotiate seriously on alternative arrangements for keeping the border open.

Davis would have zero leverage in those talks to obtain technical or fiscal solutions to the border issue. And since he takes the view that a backstop without an end date would castrate him, it is very difficult to see how he could stay in his job.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

...but all we get is more fudge.

I have been reading a lot of the discussion about this on ConservativeHome, and there seems to be a near-unanimous conclusion that Brexit is not going to happen under this government. And I am tempted to agree.

No preparations are being made for either a hard brexit (walk away with no deal) or a border in Ireland. May's "plan" is clearly to fudge and can-kick beyond what anybody thought was humanly possible, but she's doing it in a way which makes brexit ever less likely to actually happen. This "backstop" fudge is a perfect example. Inserting the words "the UK government expects it to happen by 2021" isn't a concession to brexiteers. Without a binding time limit, if the EU sees the backstop as more attractive than negotiating, it won't negotiate. And since everybody knows there is no way to solve the Irish Border Problem without keeping the whole of the UK in the customs union forever, we will stay in the customs union. The DUP won't accept a border in the Irish Sea and the EU will veto anything involving a hard border in Ireland, so customs union it is.

But when faced with this reality, Davis did not resign, and brexiteer tory MPs have not brought May down. And they aren't going to any time soon either, because they do not want to take charge of this mess. Which means May is free to continue kicking the can until we enter the transition period. The UK will still be in the Customs Union when the next general election is held, which Corbyn will win. Labour will then blame the tories for creating an unholy mess, but what will they do? Maybe the way out would be to offer NI a referendum on re-unification.
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Post by Little John »

Then this all ends at best, at some point, with an English Le Pen. At worst, with civil unrest and bloodshed.

It's only a matter of when, not if.
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Post by UndercoverElephant »

Little John wrote:Then this all ends at best, at some point, with an English Le Pen. At worst, with civil unrest and bloodshed.
Maybe. Or maybe everybody will just get totally sick of it and just want the issue to go away. Or maybe UKIp will come back from the grave.
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Post by clv101 »

UndercoverElephant wrote:Or maybe everybody will just get totally sick of it and just want the issue to go away.
I think this is quite possible. When it becomes clear that 'hard Brexit' isn't possible / going to happen and the proposed future relationship with the EU is just a crappier version of what we had anyway I wouldn't be surprised to see a majority of people just say "sod it, as you were then".
UndercoverElephant wrote:Or maybe UKIp will come back from the grave.
UKIP are over in my opinion - they've peaked, they won, they had the field and totally, utterly dropped the ball. No plan, no leadership, they've got nothing to campaign on anymore.

Another nteresting thing is what happens to Labour now. It's looking like Corbyn's also peaked. Last year's election is likely to be his high point, the enthusiasm has gone, the youth he mobilised so well are increasingly disappointed with his Brexit stance.